Thursday, August 11, 2011

Clip, Felt, Glue, Go!

Maria made a plan. She always has a plan! This time her plan was to make dolls, something she came up with the day she spent with her Tutu. Now that she can read, she is realizing that my office drawers have labels, and the labels give clues to all the treasures and supplies hidden away. So, she hauled out supplies and began following her plan... and then she asked me play too.

I need to thank her. It's been a thick week... hectic, derailed, kind of overwhelming in ways, and I was sinking into a rather miserable state. I thought play was the last thing I needed, but of course I was wrong. I do not regret making one more mess, bringing out more supplies, and getting engaged with some clip, felt, and glue play.

I was reminded how much fun felt is. Even the cheap stuff. It's been such a long time since I brought these supplies out, and recalling how much I enjoy it felt really nice.

I added a magnet to my prototype doll clip. She is just cut fabric and hot glue. No stitches. Now that I have a better idea of what to do, I can help Maria make some friends... not with paper and yarn, but with these sturdier supplies, so her plans and cute creations can last. And looking at this picture, I am thinking we should make one of her sheep drawings into a doll clip... wouldn't he look adorable all woolly and plump?

Thank you for playing with me, Maria. You make good plans, and I like when we can learn together. Want to make a flock of sheep?


Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Very cute Maria (and Natalie too)!!! Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I was so impressed with how well Maria reads and focuses on her creations. It's nice to see her doll plans come to life. Good work, Maria and Natalie. The laundry can wait one more day.

Love, Tutu

judy in ky said...

It felt good to read this post, too!

Tracy said...

Clothes pin dollies... what a great idea--LOVE these! Fun as a bookmark too, maybe? Happy Days to you all :o) ((HUGS))