In August we saw a production of The Tempest, in Balboa Park. It was in the same theater where I used to work summers, where Geoff started working so we could date... that was a dear, long, time ago. Twenty-nine years, a marriage, and a few children later, we finally returned. What a treat it was.
We read the play, first a translation, then the original, and finally an illustrated version.. for good measure. It's nice to have the lay of the land when approaching Shakespeare, and The Tempest was a new play for us. Now it is a favorite play. The Globe gave us an exceptional experience. Or as Suki put it, "Thank you for the Shakesperience.
Before the theater we enjoyed a dinner out. Beautiful setting.
Such a fun evening, dressed in our pretties. The play was outdoors, and the evening was cool, so we all had coats and a few wraps. Our seats were a bit far to one side, but close to the stage. After intermission we slipped down even closer, since there were empty seats. Maria was riveted. She still pours over the graphic novel, recalling the characters and events she saw unfold before her.
Balboa Park is a gem, a place that holds a lot of dear memories. It's an ideal place to visit, no matter your budget. Theater tickets are a luxury, but there is always something theatrical and entertaining going on, and much of it is free. A picnic alone, surrounded by these historic buildings and lovely gardens is worth the visit.
Maria wore the dress Caia gave her, and a necklace her Grandma BooBoo made for her.
Slowly, it is dawning on me that she is not a baby. I know. About time. And she is well beyond toddler-hood. I am not in any hurry to rush things along, but suddenly "almost seven" is seeming like a big leap forward.
Ariel, the one who does all of Prospero's bidding, had blue hair. They noticed Suki. Toward the end, when they were taking bows, some of the characters definitely had their sights on pretty Suki and her sea-foam blue hair. I liked that moment. Live theater is like nothing else. It is dynamic. The energy carries, in both directions.
I would love to see some more productions at the Globe. A summer Shakespeare tradition would definitely be a treat. And I am reminded that we have our holiday outing to look forward to. It's probably not a bad idea to start thinking about that... Holiday Pops! And family. And brunch. This will be our fourth year.
Speaking of traditions! We had not seen this pose in quite awhile. Now I am remembering our Beanerina, all over Europe!
All of these images were sitting in my iPhone, which I sync-ed today. I love my iPhone, and all the happy memories it keeps for me.
Good to see the beanerina again! I love the blue hair and all the outfits. What a wonderful evening... I love live theater too.
Hello Natalie!
Lovely post! Balboa Park is the perfect place to enjoy a day out. I often drive through the park just to take in its beauty. What a joy it would be to see you and family there, what fun that would be! :o) Happy week to you and your sweet family dear Natalie.
Balbo Park is awesome, I agree. We only lived in San Diego for 2 years and so did not get to go as much as I'd have liked. Sounds like a nice family outing. So...who is Suki? Obviously she is intelligent, beautiful and witty...but is she a girlfriend of one of your sons? Or just a very close family friend? Or a foster daughter perhaps?
Sounds like an absolutely wonderful gem of an evening. I've only visited Balboa Park during the day and saw a concert getting set up at the amphitheater. Very cool that you all experienced (or Shakespearienced) The Tempest in various forms.
Those children are just so charming! Love the capes, Ariel's fab blue hair and festive fun! Marie looks every bit the grown-up young Can we freeze her for a while, keep her under 10 at least? LOL... Anyway, love Shakespeare. A Midsummer Night's Dream is my fave, I think. Happy Day ((HUGS))
I love reading your blog! So many neat things you folks get into! I love the pose of the three kids near the fountain! So theatric!
I love Suki's hair too. Well, really I love any hair but Suki's is amazing!
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