Friday, January 27, 2012

The Other Mother Blog

Since about six-thirty this morning, I have been thinking about my other blog. This theoretical blog is where I could really let it all hang out. I am talking about colorfuller language, rants, snarkiness, trollitudes, whiney-b!tchy-hormonal wisdom, and butter recipes.

You see, believe it or not, I am on a quest to be a respectable, gracious, magazine-cover worthy persona. I want to create an ambiance of grace and respectability, with light humor, tasteful decor, some frank moments, but mostly serenity and ennobling sentiment. But this is an upward battle, and anyone familiar with my history, with the deeper recesses of these 2,000 + posts, knows I have had frequent occasion to miss the mark, considerably. Oh, and the magazine-cover worthy persona is figurative. I just want to be shiny and good.

But I get so cranky!

And now. Now I gotta get my butt to the market to buy chips and guacamole. Yeah. Mexican food, because in the school parking lot, as the bell is ringing, Maria said, "Mommy, today is culture day, and I need to dress in something from Mexico and bring food to share." She's wearing her WORT Radio shirt, with a Do The Funky Chicken illustration by Lynda Barry... if that ain't "culture..."

My bad. I should have known about this. I believe there are school newsletters, or something. My other blog might be called Thirty-One Flavors of Failure, and in it I would write about bringing chips and guacamole for the kids, and a six pack of Corona for the teacher, as a token of my remorse for being so flaky, but I wouldn't mention that here, because I am pretty sure that would dull the shiny goodness.


Donna said...

Laughing so hard right now cuz man do I remember those days! Maybe we should co-author a real fail blog, not the one where we just post pictures of other people failing! You're still shiny, although a tequila shot might provide a few extra stars for the eyes!

Alison said...

Do I have to remind you again to stop beating yourself up? A mother of four is allowed to miss a school newsletter here and there.

And if you turned into a Martha-Stewart-magazine-cover blog, I'd probably get bored and forget to read it. You're already shiny and good, didn't you know?

tara said...

Lol. Funny you should talk about this. I do have another blog where i use colorfuller language and talk about the not so nice stuff that is my life. I sometimes wonder how much to share on my I am nice and just make quilts blog. I think I will tell everything and keep the post up for one day only. Maybe someday.

Miriam said...

Shiny goodness is okay and lovely and everything, but there's a reason I follow YOUR blog and not some others: you're real and funny and human and you do us all the great gift of sharing your wonderful, shiny, imperfect, amazing life and family with us. The alternative just seems boring! [And I, for one, would not be offended in the least by any colorfuller language that made its way into your posts!] P.S. You're already shiny and good, just the way you are!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I promise: I am doing much better about this, but I am deeply inclined to self-deprecating humor, and honestly, there has to be some accountability. And. At least I'm laughing.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

You read it right: I think there is a Margarita waiting for me in the near future.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I'm gonna need that URL, Tara!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

No chance of *boring* around here.
I do get the guilts and caught up in the moment... the stress and drama, but spilling my guts, then hearing from friends, and total strangers, dispels the worst of it and I feel better.
So, thank you for buffering my falls.

aka Jules said...

Natalie... oh yes, the "other" blog. I dream of writing the kind of honesty I want without my mother-in-law calling up and saying "what's wrong". ugh. I know I shouldn't let others impact my decisions but you haven't met my mother-in-law. But today... in an effort to be more "real" and less "shiny and good".. (because I want that too) I posted a little differently. I just hope that the mother-in-law doesn't read into it too much. and i know it's a tiny step.. but it's a step, right? oh and... let me get the limes ready for those Coronas!! :)

Jennifer said...

Yeah. You KNOW I hear ya on all this. Love this post, and love the image of you walking into the classroom with the chips, guac, and Coronas. A lime, too? Ahhh, here's to the good life, well-lived, and nary a hint of *that* kind of perfection in sight!

Emily Cole said...

I could completely be IN on the momfail blog... my business with work and school and girl scouts and wifehood and house owner and... and.. and... YES there are a lot of OOps moments in my life these days!

judy in ky said...

I think we all need to have that other blog! By the way, I love the photo... where is that?

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

It's such a good feeling to hear from understanding friends.
Coronas, lime, guac and chips... and some friends from out of town, that's the kind of perfection I look forward to!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Yes, oops moments! In the moment, they can seem so harrowing, but thankfully (hopefully) we can look back and have a laugh at our own expense. Wouldn't we have loads of material!?

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

This photograph of a small relief was taken on an outside wall of one of the buildings at Leo Carillo Ranch. I love it. I love the mischievousness of it, the human-ness it projects. Realized it was a pretty good match for my moody post.