While we are away, making new memories at Maker Faire, please enjoy this blast from the past. It's a post from 2010, and our first visit to Maker Faire!
I took six hundred photographs at the San Mateo Maker Faire. Geoff had his own camera. We were only there for one day. We spent more time driving there, than at the Faire, and then we had the long drive home. But it was so worthwhile, every SteamPunking-Cupcake car-ArcAttack-Maker moment was truly awesome.
So, can you blame me for wanting to share more Maker Faire magic?
Breathlessly, with a wide grin, I told William, "I am going to have about a hundred new things to post about on Chickenblog." I consider William one of my editors. He gently, thoughtfully suggests ideas for posts, and says encouraging things to me, like when 54% of the people taking this week's poll say they do not read Chickenblog, and are not sure where they are.
We are pretty close to updating the look of our 2003 Odyssey. I find inspiration everywhere. Maybe it's time to get the Lego bricks out of the van, and put them on the van.
Look, here it is... Maker Faire is beautiful, because it is a place full of imaginative, creative people, and those same people are enthused about what they imagine and create, so they share, and they teach, and they laugh out loud. It is amazing spending time in this kind of environment. It is encouraging and affirming. It erases fear and cynicism. It is genuine ingenuity, and patriotism, and it is the real kind of initiative that can keep our country great, and make the world a better place.
So, long live Maker Faire!
And long live Dorklandia!
We felt like ice cream... jajaja
Seriously, this ice cream cart, loaded with felt ice cream plushies, was adorable.
And long live Blinky Bugs!
Enchanted by the Blinky Bugs.
Ken Murphy was in the Make Shed, demonstrating how to make Blinky Bugs, and he showed me his kit-book, which is available for pre-order.
I felt like I was from Dorklandia, greeting and meeting every artist, author, scientist and geek, with my usual enthusiasm and zeal. Makers and Thinkers and Tinkers are my heroes.
Long live cycles... large, small, many wheels, mini-wheels, many pedals, new and old, all of 'em!
Out for a ride.
Tiger ride? He can swish his tail, of course.
This. is. my. swing.
I want this real bad.
'cause it looks real good.
I would even settle for it without the patterned shower of water that rains down from the top.
They make music at the Faire.
They make it look fun.
Speaking of fun, you don't have to build a walking, talking giraffe, or plug an oil leak to contribute at the Maker Faire. You can be as craftily creative as you please, which is what makes it fun for young, and mature, immature, and unsure, for all.
Which is why I loved meeting Binka in theTeacher's Lounge-Educational Outreach space. She sent me ideas and links for our family plans for future Maker Faire-Maker Club-Science Sunday ventures.
Still with me?
Even if you just look at the pictures, and cannot bear to read one more enthusiastic-geek-zealous word, you gotta admit, this is pretty cool stuff.
It's cool stuff, made by cool people, like the students from the You Made It! Jamboree.
Please visit their website. They are doing great stuff. Children are learning. It's beautiful.
Look at what Dylan made! This is awesome.
And look!
Look at what these kids have done!
We met these boys in Sequoia Hall, and they were demonstrating and selling the science and project kits made by them.
I brought home the circuit kit and a crossbow kit. I love reading their story, with the list of tools and machines they used to make their creations.
Having spent plenty of time designing and building in a metal shop, Alex was both impressed and encouraging. I think his FIRST experiences give him insight and appreciation for fellow science and technology enthusiasts. He knows FIRST outreach is a respectful exchange within his team, and between his team and his community.
I can keep going. Dare me?
This was a missed opportunity: I should have bought Mark Frauenfelder's book in the Maker Shed. I can still get the book, but it would have been so cool to get it signed. I loved the things he was sharing, and thumbing through "Made By Hand", talking about backyard chickens... I soon realized I was chatting with another kindred spirit. I love that he covers the "joy" and "frustration" of a family going for a Do-It-Yourself life.
Plus: He is playing a cigar box guitar. He made it himself. There is meaning in that.
Long live the Tour de Maker!
Maker Faire looks wonderful. The closest one to us is in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We could drive there, it isn't too far!
Read it all, know where I am, know where you've been and know where you are...- love the pictures, enthusiasm and the FUN!
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