Thursday, September 06, 2012

A Colorful September

And smiles
Summer waning
Peeking in

The colors, right now, are so beautiful, it makes me want to do something significant. I don't know what this means, but I am writing it down, because it is true. Also, I feel a bittersweet swell of emotion, longing, devotion. I'm blessed, and it humbles me.


warren said...

Fall is tough Momma...keep looking for the always seem to find it!

Miriam said...

What is it with cats and baskets? What part of a cat's DNA means that if he is in the vicinity of a basket he must hop in? Is it that a basket provides a perfect frame for a cat's handsomeness? Is it that a cat sees we put special things in baskets so of course that's where she belongs, too? What IS that?!

ArtyZen said...

These colours do make the heart swell. We really have to wait til spring to get a riot of colour - it's all been a bit too hot here and we're parched, stripped and bleached of colour, so very glad to see it here.
Geoff is not a bad colour either. :-)


Jennifer said...

All this AND a kitty in a basket. Life is truly good. Feeling the possibilities is, perhaps, the one true point....

nikkipolani said...

The colors of your September are happy indeed. Delicious.

Oiyi said...

Wow! I love the colors in each picture. Beautiful.

Jenny said...

I love it when all the stars seem to align and suddenly you find yourself in that space filled with gratitude laced with possibilities and inspiration. It's one of my favorite places to be.

I love how a cat will find a fun place to sit whenever they can.
