Thursday, November 22, 2012

Full of Thanks

Home, together, fair weather, comforts,
Music, curious minds, and wonderful views,
Friends and family,
and friends like family,
Love and laughter,
Dear traditions,
and new adventures.
We are Blessed and we are Thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Kim said...

Happy Thanksgiving Natalie! Enjoy this wonderful day; it sounds like you already are :) I am so thankful we're friends!

Miriam said...

And I am thankful for how open-heartedly you share your life with all of us! Have a wonderful day - and here's hoping the oven hangs in there!

Come Away With Me said...

Happy Thanksgiving, from our house to yours! I've just been reading your previous two baking posts. There is certainly plenty of fun and good stuff going on at your place, and I do love those gingerbread goats. And the fruity cranberry bread too. Now my mouth is watering and I don't know how I'm going to make it another few hours till turkey dinner. :0

judy in ky said...

What a beautiful place you have created, full of love, family, friends and critters. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

valleycampdurango said...

happy day, my dear! hope your stuffed! :)

Janece said...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Beautiful scene and words that warm my heart! I hope you had a wonderful day!

nikkipolani said...

Wonderful thankfulnesses here :-)