Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gingerbread Goats!

Our Tasha and Ada are deer little goats! And I can just imagine them pulling Santa's sleigh. Tasha and Ada make reindeer leaps, just like the cookie cutter I found.

And ever since I imagined our goats pulling a sleigh, all dressed up and trimmed in bells, for the holidays, I knew I had to make Gingerbread Goats.

It wasn't enough just to find a goat-like cookie cutter, I was also dependent on the rare, very rare, chance of our oven working. Yes, we are still wrestling with the Thermafail 2000... the oven that turns itself off 99 times out of 100. It's not great. Alex and I give it a try every day, and hope and wish, and usually sigh or groan, with disappointment.

Not today! Today, with the warm vibes from Sylvia, our oven took to the heat, and hasn't slowed down! We are so thankful, and so busy. I've made quick bread, and gingerbread, and I am gearing up to just go ahead and get the turkey in there, too. Gotta make feast, while the iron's hot. Err... something like that.

Gingerbread: Trader Joe's. Easy. I need easy, right now.

I decided to roll the cookie dough in a chocolate dusting, instead of white flour. The chocolate is Spicy Hot Cocoa from Trader Jose and not only did it keep the gingerbread dark, and stop it form sticking, it added a wonderful flavor, without drying out the dough. Muy bueno.

I lopped off the antlers, because our goats don't have horns. One batch got a single ear, but then I decided to make the rest with two ears... just used a butter knife to cut away the bits we didn't need.

Oh, and by the way... one of the cookies broke, and we had to have a mercy sampling, you know, to put it out of its misery. Trader Joe's makes a good gingerbread mix, and sprinkled with their Spicy Hot Cocoa... Tasty!

They're Gingerbread Goats.


Not sheep.

Not camels.

Not shamels.

Goats, I tell ya! Gingerbread Goats, and when Maria comes home from school today, and I tell her we can decorate them with a little white icing, she is going to leap with joy, like a Gingerbread Goat!


Jennifer said...

I love that image of Maria leaping with joy, just like the goats! And I hope Tasha's doing her own share of leaping?

Alison said...

"Thermafail 2000" *snerk!* Which one of your clever boys came up with that one?

Cocoa powder--what a brilliant idea! Very stealable. :)

Jenny said...

Salivating here. I love gingerbread. Sadly we do not have Trader Joe's. :( Boo hoo for me. Whenever we get to Washington state I try to race in and stock up. So much goodness in that place.