Our favorite fox?
Fantastic Mr. Fox, Roald Dahl's literary fox of mischief and cunning, as well as
Wes Anderson's come to life interpretation. But, who can resist the
“Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow” and the “Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow” of the hilariously endearing Norwegian comic duo,
what does the fox say? According to
some field recordings from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, it is the Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes that says, "Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow!”

Look what I found!
Sorry~ I don't have a designer name for it, but I picked up this half yard from Joanne's. Could. Not. Resist! And I love that Maria is still small enough that I can whip up a simple skirt with a panel of 45" wide fabric. I added to the length of the fox print with this espresso and polka dot print... a frolicking fall combo, I think.

Favorite foxes, check. How about favorite sewing tools? Even for sewing garments, I am lost without my quilting tools. I love my self-healing cutting mat, my straight edge, and definitely my rotary cutter. The clerk did a pretty lazy job of cutting my half yard, but thankfully with the straight edge, mat and rotary blade, I had everything
straightened out in a snap!

Is this a
favorite sewing tool? Well, sort of. I wish I didn't need a seam ripper, but when I have to take a do-over on a bad seam, then I hate to be without one. A seam ripper is a must, for me.

And I definitely, definitely love my pinking shears! I'm _a-frayed_ I would be really frustrated with all those loose threads, if I couldn't finish raw edges with this very useful tool.

My best sewing projects, the ones where I feel good about the results, always include time spent with a hot iron, pressing the fabric, pressing the seams. I am not always eager to make the time, clear the space... but finally, I've learned to
just do it! My ironing board and hot iron are key to sewing success.

Even after having to ripping out the polka dot trim, and recutting the fox print, then reattaching the polka dot trim, I was able to finish this simple skirt in short time.

Paired with her eyelet slip peeking through, Maria and I are ready for a fall leaf and fox hunt hike with friends.
A-hee-ahee ha-hee!
The first photo is fascinating! Did fairies decorate that tree? Something about trees is magical to me. You are inspiring me. I have to start sewing again.
That wee fairy door was a gift from my sil, and niece. They made it!
{I am sorry it took me forever to notice that I hadn't replied to your comment.}
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