Monday, February 24, 2014

Five Good Things

Good morning!

Word Verification for Chickenblog is, back, on. Yes, the always annoying, never a slam-dunk, fiery hoop of blog security was reactivated, promptly at 6:12 am, today. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but CB was hit with a tsunami of S-P-A-M… five-hundred and forty-seven invitations to visit bogus websites, and other nefarious content. I really do not like reading deciphering those word verification and security tests, either, but that much junk mail in two hours is awful… a time consuming and disheartening mess. Geoff convinced me, again, not to quit blogging. I just feel really useless when wading through garbage. I hope you will not hold back from commenting, please! We can't let the bums ruin a good thing, and your input is one of the best things about blogging!

Okay… not to drag a Monday morning down even further, but while we are on the subject of S-P-A-M, and nefarious web content: Please, quit "Liking" stuff on FB! Seriously, if you don't personally know where the content is generated from, think twice before you hit Like. For one thing, those sympathetic and plea-ful stories are all too frequently false, sometimes ages old, and even harmful. If you can't be sure whether a tale of woe, or a shocking anecdote, is true, or stinks, try running it by a site like Snopes. Maybe you Love Jesus, or can think of a bird name with a letter O in the spelling, but if you are trying to prove something, you are only serving the scammers' evil plot to generate traffic, and build ever larger webs of deceit.

Isn't it sad? I love a free Internet, the open highway of uncensored information, and the equal opportunity to say something! But if we don't self-regulate, and learn how to stay a step ahead of the spammers-hackers-trolls-phishers and bums, then we are going face serious consequences, and waste otherwise beautiful mornings deleting five-hundred and forty-seven bogus email messages.

Encourage your friends to lay off the farming-for-hits websites. Generate your own love and original content, because we love hearing from our friends… not the bums. Get the word out there: Thoughtful, Honest, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind :: THINK!

Rant over. Thank you.

Good Things…

1. Joining the ladies making quilts for people in need.

2. Nearing completion of the chicken coop for the school farm.

3. There are four days of rain in our forecast! Four days of rain. {Even the sound of it is lovely.}

4. Seeing video clips of my nephew competing in gymnastics. What a champ! Go Dominic, go!

5. Friends that are sharing this on my FB wall… you are thoughtful, inspiring and kind, indeed!

Good things! I know you got 'em, too! Tell us all about it.


Anna Banana said...

1. Carpet cleaning today.
2. Clickandfix handyman service today.
3. Still 4 cats in the house, down from 5. (Urban legend has it that cats think everyone in their world is a cat.)
4. So many sugar snap peas in the garden. Enough for us and the birds.
5. Rain is coming.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Rest in peace, Toby.

judy in ky said...

1. I thought of you when I saw that on Facebook
2. Happy that you are still blogging
3. Your word verification is much easier than the old one
4. I had a nice dinner to introduce my mom to my favorite neighbors
5. Husband returns tonight from taking daughter and granddaughter to Disneyland

judy in ky said...

Oh, and I'm glad you are finally getting rain!

Kim said...

1. Lindt dark chocolate chili bar
2. Hazel & Violet taking a nap at the same time (What should I do???!!!)
3. Blue skies, sunshine and not sweating yet
4. Looking forward to picking up a good book from the library (The Wife)
5. Beef & Barley soup with Cornbread for dinner

Janece said...

My five good things:

And #6: that you are in the world...and like judy in ky said: "still blogging"!! :)

Unknown said...

1. Made Patrick rest today (Even for just half a day....I felt accomplished!)
2. Weekend with the boys.
3. Family coming to visit!!
4. Crossing things off the darn To Do List!
5. Glass of wine at the end of this busy Monday! :)

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Ah, at least I got to experience close to two weeks of sunny CA weather. Guess we need the rain that's set to hit here tomorrow. It was a good interlude to the snow and winds of WY. :-)

It was nice to see the community school chicken coop that your family is making better. I think that chicken wire is best served as a frame base for paper mache projects.

Anonymous said...

Dang, you're amazing... Just like yo mama!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Just a little commenting lesson for my Mom... I took some liberties! lol