Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Love Looks Like :: Day One

Love looks like clean laundry. Socks. Washed, dried, matched and folded, with help from Maria and Alex. When I saw the ready to go socks in this pile, I wanted all the men in the house to feel my caring, to know how very much I love them.

In not too many days, it will be Valentine's Day. Pink and red, chocolate riddled, and all rosy... do I sound cynical, yet? I'd rather celebrate Ground Hog Day, again, but not because I am cynical {not too cynical}. I think I've just learned to appreciate Love in the every day, in the little things, which in some cases are actually quite big. Valentine's Day may be special, or not, and just to enhance a romantic mood, and celebrate True Love, I am sharing a picture of love everyday, through the fourteenth of February. I am curious to see where love is, all the ways it can be found, everyday.


Sylvia said...

Glad you're back, Natalie! I'm also cynical about the commercialization of Love. It's the little things that add up and mean so much more, isn't it?

warren said...

Love is indeed socks! Washed and folded...it means a lot in our house and we mostly appreciate wife's efforts.

gretchenjoanna said...

I like your idea of these pictures representing Love - and the folded socks really ring a bell with me. Just this morning I sorted socks and folded them and put them away...I just did some calculations, and it seems I've done this act of love well over 2000 times, probably more like 3000, for the man I love, not to mention the children. and I LOVE doing it. Thank you, Natalie.