Cabinet of Curiosities? Cirque Du Soleil? Launch our holiday merriment under a fantastic blue and yellow bigtop tent? Of course we could not resist! And so, we ran away to join the
Cirque, and we loved every bit of it. Lighting to costumes, props to choreography, and all of those breathtaking skills! We were absolutely enthralled for the entire experience. {A huge cheer and thanks to Robin and Sean for bringing Alex when they went to see this marvel... he came home enchanted and we knew we had to go, too!} During the act where the man balances on stacked and teetering acrylic cylinders, Maria and I were clinging to each other in suspense. We loved the part we
never saw, and Felipe the runaway lion. I could go on and on, but perhaps you are already convinced? I'd buy everyone tickets, if I could! Then, we could all run away together.
Our adventure finished at the end of a pier, where we had dinner, and recounted
the countless highlights. We tried to choose favorites, and answered the
what-if question: If you could master one skill? I thought I'd like to be on the trampoline! For sure we want to make a
theremin, a metal airplane-swing, and an aqua-blue and diaphanous, iridescent coat... for starters!
Happy Thanksgiving, by the way. I created this post yesterday, and now, I imagine I am either cooking or eating or recovering! What a good life, here, or at the circus!
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