February 4 ::

Again... and I am sorry that despite all my talk of birds and birding, my posts rarely have pictures of the birds we are watching, like the Townsend's Warblers, or the Mountain Chickadees. I am seeing so many rare birds, and dear ones, and even spying the sparrows and finches makes me giddy. But I don't really have a camera that makes it worthwhile to snap pictures. I write the names of the birds in a
Scout book, next to notes about where we are and what kind of weather we are trekking in. Then I follow the birders and look up. Some of them, amazing beings, can hear a bird's song and announce, "California towhee!" and someone else will spot the very bird that was heard. I think that's miraculous. Once, a birder laughed and amusedly described
"Did you hear? That mockingbird is mimicking a sparrow?" Music in many other languages is playing, and some people can pick out the notes, name the composer, even sing along, and all I hear is "tweet tweet tweet." I love it... being a novice, being in the company of people who have these skills, retain their wonder. I love the birds, and the birders, the outings.
February 5 ::

Sometimes the birds are very near, or very big, then I can take a decent picture... of pelicans, and cormorants, gulls,
and sea lions, and bluffs.

It was a beautiful winter day at La Jolla Cove.

And later, a beautiful visit to the metal shop, where
the robotics team is about 4 weeks into their 6 week build season.

Darrahl and Myron, mentors~

Rookies often get the job of de-burring metal... and they do it with
team spirit.
(This post was back-blogged on May 1, 2019.)
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