Our weather has been kind; a tender mercy, and I am reluctant to say so, because it's probably only a very local phenomena. I know, elsewhere, weather is a sore subject, and rightly so. We have been enjoying sweetly mild weather. There was a heat and humidity spell, last week, but generally we have had cool nights, and warm and breezy days, even a couple of nearly coldish mornings. I feel as though I am about to insert a *but* in here... because there is still the chance that we could get hit with a heat wave, or worse,
Santa Ana winds, dry, hot, and moody. I'd rather just remain thankful and cautiously optimistic. It's come to the point when
Have a Nice Day, feels teeming with effusive hope, a wish to eagerly anticipate.
Happy Fall!
My first inkling and longing for this new season came
the last day of August when we picked our own homegrown pumpkins. Then, once more on September 4th, when we had a splash of a summer storm. There are fewer beetles buzzing around, and lots more orb spiders, and big ones, too! Maria baked a
pumpkin pie, and our Harvest Moon feast definitely put us in an autumn mood. Now it is official, and Max will be going back to school. The hens are beginning to molt, and pumpkin flavored most-everything is hitting the shelves.
Ok... I could go on, listing the signs of the change of season. I do this every year, I'm sure. Probably the most telling indication of it being fall is the one I cannot suppress, the giddy, eager, happy, gleeful, giggly, romantic, and hopeful humming inside of me.

That's it. It happens every year... and it makes me wish I could compose the finest poem, dedicated to autumn. It makes me long to return to Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine, to rock walls, and farm fields, rocky coasts, and friends. Fall is a song in my heart that I want to dance to, and share. Fall puts me in a holiday mood, recharges my desire to accomplish good things, make plans, turn to home and family, and get cozy.
Definitely, a dear and anticipated part of fall is the quiet, warm, gathering comfort of being cozy... I am emotionally worked into such a state with these thoughts and ideas, feelings, hope!

I know someone else who loves fall, and fall traditions, delights, spooks and spells, crafts, and whimsy...
Calamity Kim! She's my longtime, blogging friend, the one that has more creative skill and energy than an entire issue of
Where Women Create! She was invited to be a vendor at
Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween... Marshall, Michigan will be overrun with some of the best and spookiest crafters and artisans in the world, and Kim will be right there, too, where she belongs, with loads of her one of a kind, and lovingly made crafts and wares! I ordered a bag of hers before she flew north, and I love it!

Do you know what I did this morning? Geoff and I... we hopped out of bed, at 6:40 am and rode our bicycles to the coast! The ride was almost 7 miles going out, and then home was up hill, another 3 miles...
no need to be too impressed, because the e-bikes make the improbable quite possible. For me, scarier than hills, up or down, is being in traffic, getting startled, or feeling on the edge of something unknown. But early on a Sunday is the time to feel slightly braver, a bit more capable.
There's more... but I am all worked up about the season, and I want to see what I can get started. And, too, I hope you will tell me about your days.
Thanks for the warm and cozy post. Fall makes me feel that way, too. I hope your new comment system works. Here goes!
Ruth, it worked! Thank you. Something is still off, because I replied to your comment from my phone, and it got lost. Now, I will see if this works from the computer.
Did you see there is rain in the forecast? This is an auspicious start to our new season!
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