Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Take A Moment

Please! Don't block me.
I was going to write my impressions, to share about a morning that could have been ordinary, or even tiresome. But instead of ordinary, or worse... vexing, I enjoyed some things that calmed me, soothed me, and this while waiting for an oil change! I have a long, flowery post all composed in my head, but just now, I can imagine hearing someone saying "Shhhhh... Just sit still, while I have a moment." Please do. Please take a moment, some deep breaths, and enjoy the views. I hope you hear the waves, feel poetry, or song. I'm going into the kitchen to fix another cup of tea. You take your time.


Nicole MacPherson said...

Oh, this is so beautiful. I won't block you but I will live vicariously through your photos! Things are pretty frozen up here and will be for a while.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I am glad you can enjoy our version of winter, if only vicariously. I know we are pretty fortunate to have this weather, and scenery... but I still romanticize snow and winter like I knew in Minnesota.

Janece said...

What a beautiful virtual walk with you. Thank you for the views, the nervous system soother, and the calm.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Ah, you're very welcome, Janece. I post these pictures, words, with the hope that they convey something soothing, something uplifting, or distracting in a safe, happy way, so I really appreciate hearing that someone is enjoying my gesture. Remind me to get you a cup of tea, some time.