Monday, March 14, 2022


This post is all about the primary bathroom, the one adjacent to our bedroom. We have transformed it, and I don't want to look back!
I was very deliberate about taking some before pictures. Deliberate, but reluctant, because I was finally ready to admit something I had suppressed for a very long time: I did not like our bathroom. Until the stone tiles began crumbling apart, there wasn't anything so awful that I felt justified in complaining about it, or even imagining changing it. But our hardwater made the glass shower doors a headache to clean, and the tiles too. And the big tub was increasingly troubling... it was inconvenient to clean, we had some doubts and concerns about the weight of all of that water on a floor that extends unsupported, so that I was always anxious about using it, and when we did use it the water would cool quickly. It was a waste, unfortunately. Our faucets (and this is an embarrassing admission) were corroded and the valves stopped working properly years ago, so they were a real hassle to shut off. Big mirror (a favorite, repeated choice by the previous owner)... did not like. The egg-shell light fixtures... did not like. The blinds, self-destructing... ditto. Even having two sinks was mildly irritating. So, I didn't have pictures, not happy ones, of the bathroom. Maybe I have some from the stormy night when we were so concerned for the goats that we let them "sleep" in the shower. Once we knew Mike was coming, I began making choices for the new bathroom, and that was when I started to see that I was really really really eager and excited to make this room completely new, different, ours.
Mike arrived in January, and before he started on our bathroom, he repaired the hall skylight, which became an attic access, and he repaired the upstairs guest bathroom, where we had another skylight and water damage. Oh, and the window... I almost forgot about the big window he replaced. While he was doing all of that work, I was immersed in paint chips and tile samples, and the headaches of supply chain issues. A few times I shared about that journey, picking tile, deciding on a look. I've learned that remodeling is a privilege, and for me something of a torment, because I do it so mindfully... so full of concern about not doing a poor job, wasting money, time, effort. It feels like this is my big chance, don't blow it! Geoff wants me to just go for it, and he's not critical. It's my own internalized worry monster that plagues me with doubt, insecurity, constant fretting. And then, just when I could breath a sigh of relief, I would learn that our order was cancelled, because something was out of stock. It was getting closer and closer to demolition time, and time when Mike would need materials, and I was still trying to figure it out. Finally, we got tiles, and I was dizzy from staring at options and figuring out every variable... but privilege has its price! Oh, and the wallpaper! That was wishful thinking... just one statement wall with William Morrison's Strawberry Thieves. Geoff will indulge me anything, and Mike is master of many trades, but they each turned me down flat on hanging wallpaper! We laughed long and hard when I gently, hopefully, inquired, and they both answered in the same certain and absolute terms, "No. No way."
My last job in the old bathroom was to clear out! By early February, the demolition was in full swing. No turning back now! Beneath the tub was a hatch, an access meant for shutting off the water valve to the tub, which, by the way, was never installed... anyway it was very handy for dropping demo mess to the ground floor outside, so most of the old tile didn't have to be carried through the house. And then William cleared that heap away!
Mike used the tub framing lumber to build a stem wall for the shower and the shower bench. Ok, my two big design thrills were the bench in the shower and the alcove shelf on the outside of shower wall. Absolutely tickled to have Mike make those for me, and then I was stoked about putting in built-in tile shelves for shampoos and soaps... no more metal stand that always seems to turn into soapy rust. And! He installed a safety grab, which is just me acknowledging that we are not getting any younger. He raised the shower head... good for my taller husband. And... and without a massive tub to climb up and into, we could finally walk over to the three windows in that corner and easily look out! We have discovered that the best and unmatched views from any part of the house are at this spot! We can even crane our necks and spy the ocean. I am not saying this was part of my design choice, nonetheless, I guess I am taking credit for this wonder. Mike works clean, but it's still a messy process, and he works fast, but it still took time. I admit, I am still restoring our bedroom, and there were moments when it all felt inconvenient. What am I trying to say? It was hard, but it wasn't. Does that make sense? I do think I have a high tolerance for disruption, and clearly it was all about to pay off...
Eventually, through hemming, hawing, fretting, and polling... I settled on paint, and curtains, and a new cabinet, and everything got closer and closer and closer to being really lovely, and I was even eager to share glimpses of what was becoming something I felt excited about.
Instead of replacing the vanity, Mike painted it for us, and rebuilt the counter for one sink. Geoff and I have never crashed nor clashed around any bathroom, no matter how many sinks there were. More counter surface has far more appeal. I feel like I am rushing this post now... like, I was going to document every detail and date, and delivery of supplies, and trips to the hardware store, and record the times when I had to make one more decision, but it's done, and behind me, and I survived, and honestly... why look back? I just like stories, and I know that I learned things that will be helpful in the future (because we are building an accessory dwelling unit this year) and I will appreciate my own notes on this process, those lessons. But, yes... let's just see it done!!
Technically, it's almost done. When Mike can return, he will add baseboards. But: Ta Da!

The fireplace is a spaceheater, and my Valentine's Day gift to Geoff. He likes a warmer room for his late night, after work shower, and the chair was one we've had for a long time. Either of us can pass sleepless insomnia time comfortably, without disturbing the other. William assembled my Ikea cabinet... at last, intentional storage space, that can be closed, pretty. The dark walls are Behr Deep Breath. The lighter walls are Behr Clear Pond. The cabinets are Behr Dragonfly. The shower curtain, and the drapes, are from Target, so is the vanity mirror. It wasn't a snap, but I love it like it's magic! And I made a fun reel to show the magic of transformation. A nice development has been that I feel comfortable in the room, and there's space, obviously... it's a big bathroom, so I brought in my yoga mat, and free weights. I have been doing activities from physical therapy, and letting the room remain calm, and inviting... it's a luxury, a gift, and I am so glad it's done. I love this transformation.

Bird House Notes: I feel chatty, like sharing more of our recent activities, some deep thoughts and other musings, but I am reluctant to bury this post about the ensuite completion! Thank you, friends who have chimed in and are celebrating this success with me. These are such heavy times, around the world, even closer to home, and... it's like that poem, about 'suffering and beauty coinciding.' Can't we all meet, over tea, on soft cushions, and talk about everything, and linger, laugh, sort it all out, and change the world for better? What time, where? I would love some company. March 15, 2022

Public Service Announcement: Pasta is back at Trader Joes! But they still have no frozen tamales, nor vegan Indian food. I haven't recovered from the loss of their hazelnut coffee creamer, frozen juice concentrate. We love Trader Joes, but we must guard our hearts... one never knows when we may lose a favorite product! And, thank goodness for small wounds, little frustrations, minor hardships. They give us reason to vent, without any real trauma. March 17, 2022

I am going to take a shower. And light a candle, maybe play a movie I have seen dozens of times already. If there were any cake around, I would eat that. Two servings. There is tea. My favorite tea. I might have two cups. March 22, 2022,


Little Dorrit does... said...

So lovely - it came together perfectly! A healthroom with a view. And a comfy chair and a chamomile alcove and space to do yoga. So pleased for you!

Ruth said...

Beautiful job, Natalie et al. The little things are the best, tho--the blue grotto and the fireplace space heater. Brilliant! You've always loved your blues and yellows and you've put them to good use here. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief before you tackle the next big project!

Nicole said...

It's GORGEOUS! I want to live in that room! I love the paint and all the colours you chose. Beautiful job!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Thank you, Amelia! I am pinching myself.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Thank you, Ruth! I agree... the whole effect is good, and the little things are just so fun and extra, the best. I will always be awestruck by these kinds of projects, how at some point it can feel improbable, and dusty and unsettling, and then it's done, a success, and that feels improbable, too!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

We all do, Nicole! We have each sighed, and stated, *I'd totally live in this room.* That's about the nicest thing I can think to hear about a space, thank you.

Sarah said...

It looks amazing and relaxing! I can't say I've ever seen a sitting area in a bathroom before, but if I had one of those I'd be hiding in there all the time!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

It's my new favorite retreat, Sarah. And I thought it odd, until I looked back in time... if you think on the Victorians and their "retiring rooms," or Roman baths. I remember the department stores had lounges, with settees, vanities, and all kinds of luxury comforts, and these were connected with the lady's bathrooms. Am I dating myself? If it were any bigger, I would invite all of my friends for a spa day of self-care and relaxation!

Come Away With Me said...

Looks lovely, Natalie. I see you put some calming camomile in that sweet little niche by the shower. The whole place looks serene and comfortable. I love the owl hooks too.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I held on to those owl hooks for a long time... I usually feel apologetic or embarrassed about saving good things, not making use of them, but it feels like they are in the perfect spot, and at just the right time, and I like that. "Calm. Serene. Comfortable..." those are words I am thankful to have evoked. Thank you, Sara... for sharing what you see.

Laura Bray said...

Seriously. How brilliant are you to put a lovely space heater in your bathroom. So cozy! I just may have to steal that idea!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Laura Bray, you've got me thinking, "Right??" and smiling broadly to have someone appreciate what a cozy and cheerful addition the tiny faux fireplace is! I love that it's both practical, and charming. Everyone is welcome to *steal* this idea.