As for me, well, I am still afflicted, with my yarn disorder. I've added dish cloths to my repertoire. Those are fun to make... small and quick and a fun way to play with different stitches. This morning I took Max and Maria to the park, and while they played I
Basically, I just do a stitch that goes around and around, increasing slowly until I create a small pouch. After a bit I decide to decrease, so that I create a neck, and then I increase to create a head. I don't count stitches. I just kind of eye ball it, until it looks like something.
I chose to turn this inside out for the nubby appearance, rather than keep this chain stitched look. I should have been more careful and patient with the ears... counting could have helped. They came out a bit wonky, which is alright, because I was too anxious to see it finished to worry about physiological accuracy. What I did was just continue to decrease the stitches, then make little flaps for feather tufts... those cute points that look like ears. Maria helped me fill the owl with fluff, before I sealed it closed with one last row of single crochet stitches.
I made 2 wings by making 12 single stitches, for each wing, and then going around to make it a suitable size. I attached them using the same yarn. The beak is wool felt, with a blanket stitch. By this time I was totally smitten with my feathered friend. Alex helped me decide on wood button eyes, which I set on black wool. I think I could have made the circles larger to help the eyes pop a bit more... ah, but that's nitpicking, because all in all I think he's dear.
He's a H00T!
It was fun watching Maria become a believer. She kept checking on me and asking me what I was making, and it was a long time before she had much confidence in my plan. We both agreed it could be a cat or a pig, and of course it's about the same thing I did to make her bunny. Don't worry, I won't quit my day job... no, wait! This is my day job! I am so totally lucky.
I think your owl is so cute! Nice job.
seriously cute!
No, no, Natalie, YOU ARE A HOOT! This is terrific! There is a blogger who knits the darlingest bunnies and I asked about cats, but she didn't think she could.... so what's next in your yarning repertoire?
Adorable! How about a snail next? I could see a pretty interesting stitch design for the shell! But, what do I know? I don't even crochet...sigh!
How did you manage to infuse so much personality into that little owl? I think you have some kind of magic in those fingers of yours.
I'm full of admiration — especially as you just thought it all up and eyeballed him into existence! Amazing!
That is awesome, well done!
Only you, Natalie only you! That owl is seriously CUTE!!
Too, too cute, Natalie! I am in awe...Looks like crocheted creatures could be your next calling! ;o) Happy Days to you all ((HUGS))
Just found your blog and love the little owl - Amazing that you just 'winged' it!
he's adorable!
You are amazing! That owl ROCKS!! XO
No wonder you're addicted! I would be too if I could whip up some crocheted cartoon goodness like that... :)
How cute is that little owl?! And I envy your dayjob... talk about a dream! :)
Your owl turned out so cute! I'm experiment when it comes to mixing yarns in hats and scarves. I would never think to try to make an animal free form. Good job!
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