Let me be very clear: This post is pure randomness and has not been planned, thought out, or edited. I just need to talk to myself and make a few notes for posterity... I had to check this one, because I thought for sure I was referring to the "posterior." Never mind.
Many thoughts are coming to me at once, so in no particular order...
Geoff is home from Hawaii, safe and sound and very melancholy. At least he lost the bad cold. He insists he was not contagious, but I would still like to offer our apologies to the passengers and crew of flight 123.
Have I mentioned that Alex and William's progress reports were mailed home? Picture me with a proud glow, a satisfied grin. They are both doing very well, and there were many good remarks about each of them as scholars and gentlemen. Well earned grades, and well deserved praise.
Doesn't Chango look cute, and kind of ridiculous? He was caught napping in the dolly bed, with a beanie baby pillow. Maybe someone can suggest a caption, because it seems like he has something he'd like to say.
I made another scarf and 2 more hats. Thank you for all the nice comments about my crocheted creations. I am not always sure about my own skills and it helps to have second (third, fourth, fifth) opinions. I am thinking ahead to Christmas and my good intentions to avoid malls and gift cards. If you typically get gifts from us during the holidays, but don't actually like homemade and/or crocheted just start leaving me subtle hints... like, "I am allergic to wool." "Scarves make me look too young." "I can't wear hats, because of my religion." "Gosh, I sure do love books." Anything along those lines will help me avoid any unfortunate (mis)giving.
Here is Maria playing with one of her all time favorite toys. She can nail wood shapes and figures in to the cork board, making little scenes or designs. No one has, yet, stepped on a nail. This was one of her Christmas presents from last year, and it has not lost any of its appeal or play value.
Alex has been asking me to make chili and beans, and cornbread. He finished his culinary arts class, with an A. I think he and I can make the chili together and then we can take it to his grandmother's house for Sunday dinner. Our first Sunday dinner in Tutu's new home, since today is the day she moves from Hawaii.
I think we should roast a pumpkin for pie, or maybe Alex will make his pumpkin dump cake instead.
Alison has been sending me adorable pictures of her adorable children. My niece is getting full cheeks. My nephew has a cutie-pie face... they both look so sweet and dear. And Bill and Alison look young and fit and capable, like happy parents of 2 beautiful children. It's killin' me not to be close enough to drop by and hold those babies, eat some burrtios, share the load. Sigh.
Last week we were invited to a surprise party for my aunt. OKay, "surprise" was what she said, but she was the one inviting us, saying "Isaac is throwing me a surprise party on Saturday..." It was a fun party with lots of food and beautiful music. Maria had the most fun, maybe even more fun than the birthday girl. She and her birthday aunt know how to have a good time.
It was nice to be with family, enjoying the light of candles and stars. It was almost relaxing, except that Maria remembered her impending birthday...err derpday, and she earnestly (re)commenced her announcements and general invitations. She launched into her description of the lavish banquet, the decorations and activities, the hopes and dreams of a 3 year old girl anticipating her "Princess Derpday," where we will swim and play in snow and then enjoy watermelon topped with bean-a-rinas (ballerinas.) Not counting every bank teller, cashier or postal worker, her guest list is swelling to about 99! That's a lot of cupcakes, pies and brownies, watermelon and bean-a-rinas. I know she has made elaborate plans, I know she has visions of princesses, fairies, dancers in tutus and glitter butterflies, and I know she's invited absolutely everyone in the western hemisphere... and I know that she will be tickled pink with whatever scaled back, mellowed version we come up with, but her enthusiasm and zeal is infectious and I am getting a little overwhelmed thinking of how I will manage to accomplish some satisfactory version. Most of my anxiety and reluctance is housing related and so now I will stop.
Time to get dressed and do laundry and wash dishes and feed the chickens... check for eggs. Chickens lay eggs, and so I am still questioning their true gender. Time to start the chili and find a good corn bread recipe... not sweet, or chunky, not dry or bland. Time to rush to the post office and drop off gifts. Time to get Geoff to work. Time to quit writing and start doing...
The eggs will get there, no worries lady! :-D
I love your talk-out-loud post, Natalie. Maria's derpday is going to be the event of the year! I always imagine her to be 4 and not 3 -- maybe it's because she's so animated and communicative and observant.
Oh yes! Chango is cute! We have three cats here, the male is Prince Brat... a.k.a. Sandust (or) Sandusky.
May all Maria's wishes come true on her derpday!
my, oh my, you have been a busy creative woman. Loved looking at all your creations!
Hi, Natalie. :o) It is Sunday afternoon in Metro Manila. I am doing the laundry, reading your blog, and having Oreos with a glass of milk. *twist, lick, dunk, bite* I am thinking of you and am happy that you and yours are happy. :o)
Oh, and I am wondering what book to read next. Choices choices....
Caption for Chango:-
Wake me at dinnertime. Please close the door on your way out....
Chango looks so cute in that dolly bed.
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