Did everyone see Anna Banana's comment? She found a link to a TP cosy, and I swear I thought it was a top hat! I was staring at it for the longest time and humming Putting on the Ritz. I know that art is subjective... do I need to post an apologetic disclaimer, in case I am hurting anyone's feelings? I have to say though, this is the line, for me, where art and craft parts way with aesthetic beauty, function and form. I am also uncomfortable with coconut monkeys, googly eyes on seashells and this.
There were a lot of good and funny comments from the OCYD post. Sara, I don't know why I suggested that knit hats on chickens would be too much... the very idea is gaining favor with me by the hour. And some mini croissants would be good too. And I see Nikki appreciates the possibility that the chicas might look spiffy in hats and knit accessories.
Hello River, of Australia. You are so right: I wouldn't want to send out homemade gifts that are not unique. In my post what I meant by "unique" was that they might be a bit unpolished or a little too amateurish, or less gently put... ugly. I am laughing, when I say this, so no worries.
I think Mtn. Child is right to suggest I try Afghans. I am not disciplined or ambitious enough to try anything as cute as this dress from "Oiyi's Crafts." But I really, really want to try my hand at a ripple blanket, like the one I saw at "Cats and Quilts."
I finished another brown hat last night. I love it. But I am not unaware that it may resemble a toasted acorn. Now I am working on another scarf... same brown with flecks of orange and lichen green. I am laughing again... I've been so drawn to this color palette, the seasonal browns and pistachio green, deep oranges and golden ambers, and I wasn't even aware how drawn I have become until I looked at my picture. I am wearing the same brown with orange and green as I am crocheting, and I may even try to fix a dinner to match.
And the owl is my other crush. This summer Max and I read a wonderful thrift shop find, called "Owls in the Family" by Farley Mowat. We absolutely loved this book with its adventures and suspense, and it's rather politically incorrect narrative about boys, nature, bullies and life's hard lessons. I like its open and honest approach to describing the good and bad antics of these children's lives. And I have become fascinated with the beauty and charm of owls. I miss hearing the pair of owls that called to each other when we were perched high up in the home we called the Tree House. I miss seeing the collection of dear owls Grandma Eunice kept in her home... she has an owl crush too... she might like to read that book.
Last year I added this tiny owl to the Halloween decoration I made.
So far we have 3 costumes ready for Halloween this year. Max gathered articles from different closets so he can be young Indiana Jones. He looks really good, ready for an adventure in history and archaeology, like Henry "Indiana" Jones. Alex has been preparing to portray Dex of "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow." Alex was born to this role, an inventor in a steampunk world, with a high moral code, impromptu skills and a ray gun. Maria consistently tells everyone she is going to be a pumpkin for Halloween. She wore this costume last year, the same one I made for William's first Halloween in Minnesota, 1991! Maybe I can crochet some kind of pumpkin hat to cap the pumpkin suit...
Wait, are you implying something wrong with toasted acorns? Maria looks absolutely darling in her latest hat. Maybe you should sell these on Etsy as part of a "barn raising" effort ;-)
And you remind me it's time to put up my very own Natalie October Banner!
Unique does not translate to ugly LOl. Your hats are adorable,and the green elf & brown Acorn are perfect for the season. Oh how I wish I had had a mom who loved hats as much as I did. I love them now and capes and shawls and wooly warm and crafted stuff. So if I had found one or your hats anywhere I would be thrilled to death. Of course I would have to adopt an adorable child to wear it, but those are just details :) I think more can be solved by handmade items than one might first guess. Oh and definatly leg warmers for the chicas, even california nights can get cool.
I love Maria's hat! If she is going to wear the pumpkin costume again, fill it with balloons and it will be rounder, more like a pumpkin.
I don't collect owls, but I really think they are wonderful creatures.
I read Farley Mowat's book "Never Cry Wolf" many, many years ago and learned to love them. I think it's his writing style that makes you fall in love with his books.
The ripple afghans I've made were in single crochet - took forever! The next, one I will try double crochet!
yet another yummy hat!
Speaking of acorns - have you been to the blog Resurrection fern? O.M.G. What that woman doesn't do with natural materials, and she has the sweetest little crocheted acorns...oh..oh..oh you must take a look
I love that shirt in the first photo...and cute hat too!
Your hats look great, especially with Maria as a model. It doesn't look to me like you need lessons... I'm no expert, but I like your work just the way it is.
If you like stories with owls. I have a set of books that the owls are the main characters. I have not read them but my sister did and loved them. My son is ten and he has read the first two, I think there are seven books (sorry, too lazy to get up and check), not sure how old your kids are but they might enjoy them. They are called The Guardians of Ga'Hoole, I got the entire collection from Scholastic. You might enjoy them too.
I love that Halloween bunting!
I have not started the Halloween costume. My daughter has requested to be a fairy. As long as she is dressed in pink she will be happy.
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