Thursday, September 08, 2011

{this moment}

Tonight our moment is brought to us by the massive Southwestern power loss. Will school be cancelled? Will it snow? Will people keep their wits about them? Stay tuned.

In other news, one last chica is trying to hatch. The Silky sisters seem to have their wings full with the first six, and it appears they have abandoned this one. No power= no heat lamp. We hope for the best.

Time to grill dinner, set up candles, and settle into what may be a very interesting evening.

My fellow Californians: peace, calm, common sense! Quit honking in your cars. No looting! Save face. Stand tall. Eat beans. We shall overcome.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. So sorry about the power outage. Do they know what the problem is yet?

Tracy said...

Oh, no... Hope you're power's back on now! But hope you had a sweet candle time. Life's simple pleasures, you know. ;o) Hooray more chiccies... Happy Weekend, Natalie ((HUGS))

judy in ky said...

I hope all is working again for you now. Let us know about the chica.

valleycampdurango said...

i sometimes like it when the power goes out....sorta cozy and primal at first! hope all is well with chicks!!

Come Away With Me said...

Lack of electricity certainly throws a huge wrench in things doesn't it! I hope everyone took a deep breath, went outside under the beautiful star-strewn night skies, and looked up at all the beauty there they cannot normally see.

The word verification is fearecon!