Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Maker Faire Has Everything

Kellie and Michal, Natalie, Maria, Eli, Geoff, Bambi and Alex, James, William, Suki, Isaac, Max, Cameron, and Grant

We're back!

Not really.

Emotionally, spiritually, we are still at Maker Faire, the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth.

This is our third visit to the Faire, and I don't mind saying, it just keeps getting better! We've got new friends coming, and we presented as Love & Rockets, our awesome Make Club. Maria, Eli, and Alex made great demonstrations, and everyone helped bring it all together... lovely teamwork. The only problem is deciding what to share, in what order... actually, I know I will share it all, so brace yourselves for the impending epic display of mind blowing Maker prodigiousness.

As for the question of what order to post the many topics of epic, mind blowing Maker prodigiousness... well, I am hoping you will help me in this decision. So, allow me to share some initial peeks and hints of the wondrousness of our journey in Maker Joy, and by a show of hands the first post about Maker Faire will be decided by the readers, You! Remember: vote early, vote often. And here are your choices:

Option 1: Conventional.

We can begin at the beginning. I'll try not to get too philosophical. Who can say when things really begin? But, yeah. At some point we got on the road and started driving north, and we call that "the beginning." A lot of prep went into pulling this off, and it wasn't exactly easy reaching the point where I felt "ready," but eventually we packed children, tools, and hopes, and left for Maker Faire!

Option 2: En Route.

What makes a girl leap for joy? What can you build with found treasures on your way to Maker Faire? What is kinetic art? We didn't wait to arrive at Maker Faire, to begin our Maker fun.

Option 3: Why is this, S.T.E.A.M. inspired, young man so happy?

(Yes, "S.T.E.A.M.," not S.T.E.M.) Who did William see, and hear, speak, live!! at Maker Faire? It's no Myth, the man is super charged for Maker Faire and all who make, just like we are!

Option 4: All the Young Makers.

Sure, there are pros at Maker Faire, big names, and big companies, but we love the Young Makers! We love sixth grader Silvia Kacic and her Fairy Wall House. We love eight year old Alex Yu, and his chess piece, the KightQueen. We love Love & Rockets entrant #7982! The future is now, and these Young Makers are going full S.T.E.A.M.M. ahead. Let's give them the tools they need to show us what they can Make!

Option 5: Think, Make, Tinker.

It's our friend, Gever Tulley from the extraordinary school, BrightWorks! For us, it all began with Five Dangerous Things. He's an inspiration.

Option 6: Max and Skallops.

You're curious. You're looking at Max, appreciating his creation, and his broad, bright smile, and you're wondering: What are Skallops?! Skallops are just one more totally cool, fun, innovative, and inspiring Make experience that we could not stay away from! Vote today. And stay tuned for an awesome Chickenbloggiversary Skallop giveaway. (The crowd goes wild!)
Option 7: Roominate.

This one is about girls and science, technology, engineering, art, and math. There it is again: S.T.E.A.M.M.! So what have the women of Roominate come up with, to inspire girls to pursue education and careers in engineering? Let's see if we can Kickstart their plans!
Option 8: Neverending Maker Magic.

Vote for the random, the unique, the wild and wonderful neverending magic of Maker Faire, and I will post just a glimpse of the fantasies come true that ride, glide, slide, and guide their way throughout the Faire.

Okay. Vote! I gotta go clean out the RV now. Wha-whaa. I'll just console myself by pretending that it's really just fun preparation for next year's Maker Faire.


test said...

You seem to have had great fun, good to have you back home again.

judy in ky said...

So much fun... so many high spirits! Wish I could be there.

Kim said...

oh my! It looks like it was an awesome trip. Can't wait to see & hear the details. I am a bit boring I guess and vote for beginning at the beginning :)

Anna Banana said...

Happy blogiversary! Boy do I miss home and you. Can't wait to exchange adventure stories!

Anna Banana said...

Happy blogiversary! Boy do I miss home and you. Can't wait to exchange adventure stories!

Anna Banana said...

Possibly repeating my comment but it bears repeating. Happy blogiversary! Can't wait to share adventure stories with you and hugs.

Anonymous said...

How do we enter the Skallops contest? They look fun!