Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy New School Year

Maria is in second grade, and Max survived taking care of business for the start of his freshman year. It has begun... the new year. New teachers, new classes, new expectations, re-newed hopes.

The re-newed hopes are mine...

I hope I can remember to keep an interesting, fresh, inspired selection of food on hand for snacks and lunches.

I hope we get up early, and leave on time, every single day of the year.

I hope no one gets a homework assignment that requires Herculean effort, causes family strife, or devastates our weekend plans.

I hope we don't stink. You know, like when we run out of clean socks, can't find the very important form, can't volunteer, or dread volunteering. Stink, as in running late for pick-up, or forgetting that it's crazy hair day. It stinks to be the mom that didn't read the memo about the special assembly, the special meeting, the special once-in-a-lifetime event. Speaking of special, it can stink to have special needs, to not fit the "regular" bill.

I hope we keep our humor. I hope we don't give up, or feel like surrendering.

I hope we can enjoy making HenCakes...

Hencakes are free form. First I pour the body, and I let the batter dribble up for the tail. Then I pour a small bit more for the head, comb, and beak. Pretty simple. And don't bother imagining me making stacks of hencakes... there are only ever a few, maybe only one. We're also known for our GroundCakes... groundhog pancakes. Of course, those only come out once a year!

Maria says her teacher is nice. She has familiar friends in her class, new ones too. She asked if she'll be dropped off at the curb, like the big kids, but not today, not yet. Maria declared the hardest part about school, so far, is remembering to wear socks.

It's the second day, of second grade... forms are filled, socks are on, breakfast was delicious, and she wore a ribbon in her hair. So far, so good.


Kim said...

That looks delicious! Here's hoping for a good year for you & the family. I don't think you'll stink, even if a few of those scenarios happen. I think you're already earning extra points for that beautiful breakfast!

warren said...

I still stand with my 7th grader at the bus stop and deliver my 4th grader to the front door of the school...I will not give it up until someone bigger than me makes me...that may not be long the way my 7th grader is growing though

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Thank you, Kim.
I do appreciate the optimism, at the start of a new year.
Maybe I should revisit this breakfast scenario in February, and again in May!

How about you? Are you settling in?

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Chillin' with our children... it's the cool thing to do!
Happy New School Year, to all~

ArtyZen said...

We don't start back til September 10th so we're still no socks, unbrushed hair and pyjamas til 11 most days. Must start to get organised. In addition to being naturally disorganised, I now don't always understand the important letter and have absolutely no idea how parents here seem to know what's going on, when or why!
And whilst I love being able to walk to school with them - this year, I'll stop at the gate - Romy's going into year 3.
Happy new school year.

Miriam said...

Oh, hencakes! Hencakes! My favourite! I am so glad the start of the school year is celebrated in such style.

This is my fourth September of not going back to work at a school, and for the first time I am sad! I think I need to go buy a new lunch bag or notebook or something...

Sarah said...

Yummy! Those are so creative! I know if I tried that they would turn out to be "big weird-looking blob-cakes" haha! And I love the extra touch of the banana "eggs".