A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
:: Inspired by Soule Mama ::
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments, for all to find and see.
What a great picture. So serene...
Oh! *heart melt*
I loved her duck drawing - she's got a lot of talent! Love that beautiful girl of yours!
What a sweet moment!
Here is mine...http://www.boninfarm.blogspot.com/2012/08/right-now.html
I want to be there RIGHT NOW. Okay, not in the middle of the night, but you knew what I meant.
The colors and the concentration - beautiful to see. What is she drawing/writing?
And what is the Lady Orpington Society? I see you are the only one on Blogger who has it on your profile!
Hello, GretchenJoanna, thank you for visiting Chickenblog.
We were enjoying a small outdoor excursion, where Maria decided to draw a duck she was watching by the pond. The duck, and her drawing, are in a post from earlier in the week (http://www.chickenblog.com/2012/08/shade-and-sensibility.html). It was nice to be out in the breeze, enjoying our picnic.
Our hen, Lady Betty Orpington, is my muse... she came into my life when I was feeling low and doubtful, and the experience emboldened me to keep pursuing my dreams, even if on a very small scale.
Our family strongly supports Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Music, and Math, and even on our very small budget, we do all we can to cheer for students, offer mentorship, and facilitate opportunities for people to follow their dreams. I like sounding "official," and who knows, maybe someday we will be a grand foundation!
You can read more at:
... and please visit our Make Blog, where we share some of our projects and dreams coming true! www.youngmakersclub.blogspot.com
We hope you'll visit again, soon!
It might not be so bad, even in the middle of the night!
It was a good moment.
Thank you for commenting, Donna.
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