Anyways, since last spring, I have been falling behind on things I want to blog about, pictures I want to share, ideas I want to describe. Suddenly it is August. And I do mean suddenly! Where the heck have June and July gone, people?! Gah. Not only is it already August, but we are a week into August, which brings me to something really truly, deeply sad: School starts in less than two weeks.
Let us pause, a moment of silence, for this devastating news.
Fortunately, my children are far more mature and capable, than I, and so I am taking this moment to remind myself: Natalie, the Chickenblogger, for your children's sake, do not whine, squirm, fuss, moan, twitch, berate, grouch, grumble, suffer, writhe, wallow, or snerk about "back-to-schoolness."
Not easy... maturity, sophistication, leadership, quadratic equations, but I am trying to step it up.
Okay. So. Obviously our waning summer is
(Never mind that during school, I dreamed of playing catch-up with the blog, and personal goals, over summer... only to find myself at the end of my opportunity, and fabricating yet another game plan. Oy.)
Alrighty, then, the plan is: Play now, and blog later. But because I am compulsive about my dear Chickenblog, I will check-in everyday, with snippets, and tid-bits... like this:
Alison, I love this photograph. Thank you! Cutie cousins, Marissa, Dominic, and Maria. What great memories this holds.
Oh the cuteness!
oh gosh, I know. School is hard on everyone- kids and parents alike. This has been my first SUmmer vacation with kids (my oldest was in Kindergarten last year- her first school year.) I am enjoying all of nice to not have to try and get kids down by 8:30 p.m.
I loved reading this post. Summer is such a complicated thing to navigate ~ all that beautiful TIME, full of so much promise in the begginning and then before you know it August is half gone and you've become a complete night owl and Fall is sneaking in the back door.
Enjoy these last few weeks!
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