Saturday, September 15, 2012

We Still Love Floppsy


Janece said...

Thank your for sharing Maria's letter. It's beautiful. How lucky we were to know and love Flopsy and what a lucky bunny she was to live with you all.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Maria and Family, I am so sorry about Flopsy. I will miss her,too. Dear Flopsy, I hope you will enjoy all the carrots (with the tops on)that Heaven has to offer. Love, Tutu

Anonymous said...

You broke my heart when I learned flopsy had passed. Please give Maria lots of snuggles. I will pray that my Logan finds flopsy in heaven and shows her around so she gets the best of those carrots. (Logan is my siamese who left in February, we still miss him too)

Jennifer (in California)

Jennifer said...

Love and hugs and profound sympathy; bunnies do have a special place in heaven, like the incredible place we always have for them in our hearts.

ArtyZen said...

What a beautiful letter and how well Maria expresses her sentiments. Poor Flopsy - I too wish Maria could go back in time and just get that racoon.

Suki Berry said...

This just about broke my heart in bits. Maria's drawing makes me cry... I'll miss you, Flopsy. I wish I could have gotten to know you better. <3

Alison said...

I'm not a psychiatrist, but it looks like every one of the stages of grief is in that letter. What a healthy child you have raised. Do tell her that many of us out here in Internetland are sad to see Floppsy go, too--though not as much as she is, that's certain.

Miriam said...

I am so sad that Flopsy is gone. And happy that she was so well loved. And sad that she went through such a frightening experience. And happy that she had a few days after that to be snuggled and loved and to remember that the world is a good place, too. And sad again that she is gone. Rest in peace, Flopsy.

Maria said...

thank you for all the comments! I loved Floppsy vary much too. Floppsy loved apples so we buried her under the apple tree. Love, Maria <3 :( :) I love Floppsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3

Val said...

I'm so sorry.

judy in ky said...

Oh no...

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Maria, I'm sorry about this loss.
Your words, and sweet actions
are a comfort to us all.

valleycampdurango said...

so so sorry about sweet flopsy. what a letter. maria, we are thinking about you all the way in colorado!

zan said...

Dear Maria, I'm sorry that you lost your snuggly bunny. It's so sad to lose a friend.

Zan from Northern California.

d.a. said...

My heartfelt condolences to you, Maria, and to everyone who loved Flopsy. It's so hard to lose those we love. {{{hug}}}

Jenny said...

I was so sad to read of Flopsy's passing this morning when I checked "Chicken Blog." What dear friends our animals are to us. Maria, Flopsy loved you too and will love you always. You were a good friend to her.


Come Away With Me said...

I'm so sorry...teary eyed, in fact.