Wednesday, November 07, 2012

From The Farm

From Mucky Boots Farm! Miriam made an offer I could not refuse... for poppy seeds. Way up north, in British Columbia, Miriam and Kim are together, farming and dreaming, with beautiful gardens, happy chickens, and more.

"Try mixing the seeds with sand and then using a shaker."
They must be teeny-tiny seeds. I shake their sealed envelope and they sound like the tiniest of seed beads, or loose grains of sugar. She was so generous! There have to be hundreds in there.

Thank you, Miriam and Kim. I feel honored... not just because I love seeds, and flowers, but because they are your seeds, from your gardens. Lately, I am extra keenly appreciative of how precious seeds can be.

These poppies... oh, my! These poppies are amazing. Mucky Boots Farm is the place, Miriam and Kim are the farmers, and those poppies are the best. Please, please be sure and follow these links, dotting this post. Also, if you *click* on the photos you get to see an extra large image. You'll want to see what I am talking about. You'll also appreciate I am feeling a little anxious about following every step to ensure that I can hopefully get some of those gorgeous blooms to blossom here at our Little Farm By The Sea.

And what about tulips? Don't you love tulips, too? They have garden delights, aplenty!


Kim said...

Oh neat! I love Poppies. Can't wait to see how yours do.

Miriam said...

Some day you should bring the whole family and come and see the poppies and tulips yourself!

So glad you got the seeds. I just love the thought of MB poppies growing up under your tender care.