Maria and I have been going to Nepenthe, every night, before we fall asleep. It's the book we have taken up, at bedtime,
My Nepenthe. And since this year, we missed
stopping at our favorite Big Sur indulgence, we decided to bake a bit of Nepenthe magic in our own home. I call them
peanutbuttercookies, which I have decided is
one word.

The book is like a Fassett family scrapbook, with bits and parts, history and imagery, and tempting recipes from the restaurant.
We have always enjoyed our visits to Nepenthe, the setting and views,
the warmth of the place and its thoughtful composition. Maria and I are enjoying the quiet, drowsy time, when we open the book and read a story, or two, and appreciate those appetizing recipes.

I have favorite cookies... hmmm, maybe it's like
favorite flowers... who can actually pick just one? I cannot say
peanut butter cookies are among my favorites, and I cannot explain why, or how, I could be
nostalgic for a cookie that was never a part of my childhood. But, yes, I felt like they were something
nostalgic, and I could not resist the compulsion to bake some.

It's not my recipe, and I don't have Romney Steele's permission to share it... but if you web search "recipe for Nepenthe's peanut butter cookies," someone is sharing it. I definitely used
crunchy, natural peanut butter. What we didn't bake, we froze for baking later.
If you haven't tried this already... shape your cookie dough in small balls, set them on the baking sheet and pop them in the freezer. Once firm, they can be stored in a freezer bag, or container. Any day you want, or need, some fresh baked cookies, you can take those frozen cookie dough balls right to the oven!

Maria enjoyed fork pressing each ball of dough. For our
Ray Harryhausen Memorial Movie Night, we baked a double batch. Friends, and peanutbuttercookies, and
Jason and the Argonauts on the big screen...
I dig your new banner at the top btw. Anyhow, cookies look great...I wonder how they would be with icecream squished in between two of them...
Those cookies look yummy!!!
I love your daughter's illustration, it's so cute. What a talented artist she is :) x
Great minds think alike!
Honestly, I am not inclined to combining sweets, but Alex and I did exchange knowing glances, when I pondered... ~imagine ice cream sandwiches made with these!~
Every now and again I try to pretend I know something about web-design. I've been itching to make updated banners, switch my themes, etc. Maria drew herself and Lady Betty when she was five years old. She called the beak a ~toot!~
Oh, they are yummy. I went to grab one after the movie, and there weren't even crumbs left!
That self-portrait of Maria and Lady Betty has always been a favorite. It makes me laugh, actually.
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