Our weekend was nice. Like, when nice means being with the ones you love, and doing the things you love, and losing track of time, because the company, the work, and the play are pleasant and good. The jacarandas are blooming, so it must be June. I feel like a lucky winner, because I have all these marvelous sticks, cut from our own apricot tree. They are coming in handy, and just seeing them makes me happy. I like their shape, colors, and textures.
When I pulled out the three varieties of seeds I wanted to plant around the bamboo teepee the children made, I hesitated a moment. I thought of my favorite and most dependable gardening book: Carrots Love Tomatoes. I refer to it whenever I am deciding what to plant together, because not all garden plants favor eachtoher, and it's wonderful to know which plants will even help each other. And what a happy crazy random happenstance: green beans and cucumbers and sunflowers are happy garden companions... if they survive gophers, rabbits, chickens, and goats, then we will have a beautiful green, edible teepee!
All kinds of backyard projects are seeing completion, and growing, too. Alex and Max have been eager to get this pull-up bar built, and since it's adjustable, Maria can also hang out! Now, we are buzzing with excitement over our next idea! Coming soon: Laid back fun! That's all I am going to say about that.
We planted more veggies, and flowers, even some for inside the chicken run. The chicas seem to appreciate their potted marigolds and sea lavender, and left the scratching and pecking for the newly planted teepee area. Everything planted around the barn and chicken run is so much easier to manage, now that we have spigots close at hand. Geoff and William have even begun preparing our own backyard bubbler so we can enjoy a cool drink anytime. I love bubbler water. Don't you?
All of this progress, and busy time together, working together, has made me eager for next weekend, and especially for summer. I cannot wait for barn naps, campfires, sleepovers, flower picking, cookouts, zucchini bread, running through sprinklers, shave ice, and losing track of time, all day outdoors with the ones I love.
So many amazing things are happening at your place. It's all so beautiful. I love all the accommodations for the animals. So much imaginative cleverness and hard work going on there. I am an admirer.
What lovely pictures of a lovely day :) x
I love your chicken area! We are starting construction on one ourselves. My daughter read the entire book on chickens we won and we are moving forward! Anyhow, more pics of yours would be cool...
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