It all began with
a Pinterest sighting of a Thanksgiving craft... stones painted with the letters to spell t-h-a-n-k-s-g-i-v-i-n-g. I loved how simple the craft was, and I knew Maria would enjoy making words with the letters. The best part was that I happened to have all the supplies I needed to get started. From around our yard I collected the small flat stones, and then I dug out craft paints...
satin and gloss work best. I painted the twelve letters, and could have stopped there, but I kind of felt like I was just warming up! Everything was out and ready, so I just kept going. Next thing I knew I had a fox. Then an owl. The next day I tried to capture Ada, our little fawn goat, followed by a plucky yellow hen. It didn't seem right to leave Tasha goat out of the
picture, and that was followed by the nesting hen, Malcolm rabbit, and the bunny bun in the tall grass. It's liberating to work so small... not a big commitment, easy to start over, and too whimsical for fretting over specifics or accuracy of forms. They're silly! Really. I love them for their sillyness.
I am thankful for paint, brushes, time, and my willingness to play.
Delia, you don't have to 'sign up' for anything to comment... "Comment as: Anonymous"
I tried it... and it's really easy!
Natalie, the Chickenblogger
They're great, I'm thinking the children will love playing with them. Mine would probably like making something similar as well. What a good idea.
These are adorable! I've painted stones a few times but not in a while. But I still have some blanks waiting to be painted on... Now that I've seen how cute yours came out I'll have to try extra hard :)
They are beautiful! If I saw those in a store, I would be compelled to bring them home with me. I'm going to try it, but I am not the artist you are.
Thank you.
I'm definitely tempted to play with them... and I am feeling compulsive about completing the farm!
You are the artist you are.
Tips from what I am figuring out:
1. outline the form in pencil, which wipes away with a wet rub
2. start smaller than you want it to be... many mistakes I can correct by expanding the shape
3. let layers dry... then you can paint over mistakes, or add details as you go
4. remember the Impressionists. Mine are not exactly as I wish they could be, but with a whimsical mind, and some distance, they are close enough to make me smile, and want to try again!
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