I have yet to figure out what my career goals are, what ultimate vision I have for this blog, but I do know this... I love my family, I love to write, I love to take pictures, I adore chickens, and goats, and bunnies, and our Ratty Rat Hazel, and I am passionate about supporting young people and STEAM. ChickenBlog gives me a chance to play with all of my interests, sharing deep thoughts and other musings, while making a family keepsake. As for being an "award worthy" Backyard Chicken Blog... I can think of a few good reasons to crow!
#1. It is ChickenBlog: Since 2002, because I love chickens, and I love to share what I've learned.
#2. I have learned a lot! Like how to nurse a hen through a bobcat attack! She's four years old, now, and still laying!
#3. We have humble backyard chicken beginnings, and we have built on our experiences, so we can shelter and protect our backyard flock.
#4. ChickenBlog has practical advice to share.
#5. ChickenBlog has had a Chicken Muse, who inspired a Foundation, and art.
#6. We love to share the the fun of backyard chickens.
#7. When we can, we lend a hand for more
#8. ChickenBlog keeps it fresh... covering topics from robots to art, from fresh eggs to hencakes!
So, this morning my aunt posted on FB her lament that Disneyland will be banning selfie sticks. No more extended poles risking life and limb on rides, no bumping people, but I understand her disappointment, and I love her posts, her group shots, and all the happy pics she shares.
I was thinking about her predicament when... my career destiny dawned on me {in case this blogging gig implodes} I am a selfie stick. William said, "Don't you mean photographer?" But I think "photographer" builds up too many expectations. My skills are simpler, convenient, immediate. My aunt can take me to Disneyland, where I will be her personal snapshot, moment recording, selfie stick! I can achieve the extreme close-ups, and funny angles, I can squeeze everyone in, go on rides. I am water-proof, and have long lasting batteries. No one will have to carry me!
Seriously, if you ever go out in public with me, sooner or later, I will disappear for a moment, and when you look around for me, you will find me offering to take couple and group pictures for complete strangers. I do this all the time. At the beach, in theme parks, at statues and memorials... we live in a destination area, and the opportunities to take picture for people come up regularly. I love doing this. I overcome all of my shyness, and crowd anxiety. Maybe I have a trustworthy face, too, because no one has turned down my aggressively friendly gesture. I've even daydreamed about purposely going to the zoo, or meet a cruise ship, with the sole intention of offering to take pictures for people. My favorite part is when they are genuinely happy with how it came out... it makes me beam with happiness.
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