When I wanted to buy a carry case for crafting projects, I was dismayed by the choices. Every one of them had something to tell me... how to live, how to love, what to do at the Eiffel Tower, where to keep my dreams and virtues, on and on. Exhausting, intrusive, calligraphied bossy art. I chose the size, and shape case I liked and closed my eyes to the litany stamped on every square inch of it. If bossy art is a cliche, I decided to hit back with another artsy cliche: Decoupage! I have a box full of catalog images I like, snippets I collected years ago, before Maria was born. I brought the box out, and a few other catalogs, and started laying down the Mod Podge! The more I covered, the better I felt. Scissors and sticky fingers, clipping out textures and forms. Soon, I was seeing places I like, colors, shapes, ideas, sentiments, that I chose. I wasn't obsessing, I wasn't trying to make it a signature statement about me and my beliefs... I was enjoying the casual assumption that some pretty images were gathered together for the sole purpose of making this case my own. That was fun. I love the sheep, and the turkey standing by the sled. I love that pretty pictures I've cut and hoarded away for all these years are out of the box, and being carried around, purposefully, for me to enjoy.
Here is my own wordy message, to me: Make your own affirmations, find them in the chard from the garden, in the rainstorm, in beautiful colors, favorite cups and bowls, meaningful moments of the day. I want to remember to let the words and feelings and ideas that inspire me come from within, from being still, from thinking for myself. Yes, I take inspiration in your art, in other ideas, and phrases, but it's a good idea to make room for an inner voice, and new messages. I want to take care that I don't impose a style, or a mandate, on our points of view and emotions. Life cannot always live by an agenda hanging on the wall, we should enjoy the change of phrase, the new season, different expressions. When I am tired of pommes and poires, I will lay down a new affirmation to enjoy~
Yes, so many -- too many -- cheery, shouting, bossy signs/words/cups out there. I love what you've done and look forward to seeing it evolve; if you managed to not get any cat hairs in there (I can't seem to ModPodge without picking up every bit o' lint in the land) then you've really outdone yourself!
You're so right! How did I possibly manage to keep this fur and feather-free??
Mister Foo even walked across it when the glue was wet... of course! Cats.
I had to smother laughter (Roaring laughter when in the office attracts unwanted attention...), when I read that "Bossy Art Montage". I am so tempted to print THAT out, in fluffy font, and huge letters, then underneath, in tiny print, 'Or, just be yourself.'. And yes, I love that idea of chard. I find inspiration in fall leaves, so I guess I 'get' it... Oh, cats. Yes, your helper, whether you want it, or more likely when you don't. Heh.
isn't it the truth. as if i didn't/don't have enough words running through my brain at all times of the day telling/reminding me what to do ... do i really need a constant onslaught of more? no. no i do not. -jennifer
I love decoupage. I was doing it for a while before we moved, and I'm going to start again. I brought with me a box of bits and pieces to use.
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