happening... all those passionfruit that we saw ripening? They are dropping, which means we are eating lilikoi, sharing lilikoi, and making lilikoi curd! Do you say "curd" or "butter?" I say, "
Aloha, that's delicious! Lilikoi, passionfruit, tropical heaven in an egg... it's strange and wonderful, and makes a phenomenal spread-butter-curd. I made
the big batch recipe, from Drizzle & Drip, and I have no regrets. A perfect treat to bring for sharing at our Hollywood Bowl~Pink Martini picnic, a perfect way to honor our homegrown fruit, and farm fresh eggs...
yes, I can see what a lucky duck I am. *quack-quack-quack*
Hey, local friends... would you like me to share some of our good luck with you?
Infinity More Monkeys, a picture a day.
Oh, the breads and other delights we've had with lilikoi -- what a magnificent harvest to celebrate.
Yummy, yum-yum!! :D
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