Friday, August 25, 2017

25~ However You Say It...

It's happening... all those passionfruit that we saw ripening? They are dropping, which means we are eating lilikoi, sharing lilikoi, and making lilikoi curd! Do you say "curd" or "butter?" I say, "Aloha, that's delicious! Lilikoi, passionfruit, tropical heaven in an egg... it's strange and wonderful, and makes a phenomenal spread-butter-curd. I made the big batch recipe, from Drizzle & Drip, and I have no regrets. A perfect treat to bring for sharing at our Hollywood Bowl~Pink Martini picnic, a perfect way to honor our homegrown fruit, and farm fresh eggs... yes, I can see what a lucky duck I am. *quack-quack-quack*

Hey, local friends... would you like me to share some of our good luck with you?

With Infinity More Monkeys, a picture a day.


Jennifer said...

Oh, the breads and other delights we've had with lilikoi -- what a magnificent harvest to celebrate.

Janece said...

Yummy, yum-yum!! :D