Saturday, December 19, 2020

Home For the Holidays

This is, by far, my favorite wreath of the season. Carol made one for her front door, from berries, seeds, leaves, and pinecones collected on a walk with Grace. I see sprays of pepper berries, too! It's a truly local, California wreath. Carol's arrangements, her art, is beautiful, a true reflection of her gentleness, and her regard for nature. I was thrilled to see the one she *secretly* left for us! It's so abundant and wild, yet artfully composed. The colors sing out, and I hear the woods say, Be of good faith! Take joy! I hung it in our garden, where I hope the birds will see it, too. Take joy, birdies!

It would be a thrill to see cedar waxwings partake of the wreath. We are having a very dry season, sadly. Dry, and cold. The hummingbirds come around when I water the flower barrels. I make sure to give hens and goats an extra snack before sundown. Liberty is not quite making it up to the roost. She's spending the night on the milk crate. Dear Chica. It's nice we are still getting some eggs, so close to Solstice.
I don't mind the short days, the long nights. It appeals to my nature. And then, sometimes, I imagine that I will be disappointed when the days are longer, and longer, but in that season, I like it, too. And maybe by the time we are enjoying summer solstice, we will have traveled somewhere far north, and we will be out, playing late into the night when it will still be light out. Our annual Winter Solstice celebration, the one I have come to love best of all, will be different this year. I am determined to do something. I can remember when proposing a campfire, would grab everyone's attention, but that is possibly a bit predictable, these days.

On the last day of Hanukkah we were treated to a driveway visit from Leslie and Ido, and chocolate babka! Both were sweet and heartwarming. This year would have been something too lonesome and dull without our pod, all of our friends, but especially the ones we can see on walks, or when we are out for a ride, the ones who will brave cold weather, and janky speakers to watch a movie with us, the friends we can swap eggs or flour or yeast or favors or tp or Nutella with! The friends who haven't found campfires in a driveway too predictable. Whether we are commiserating, trading recipes, consoling each other, or just laughing, it has made a world of difference to see friends.
Pink Martini was in our Home For the Holidays! And seeing them on the big screen... it was almost as good as seeing them live! They were very generous. Just when it seemed they were wrapping things up, and the credits scrolled, Thomas Lauderdale and China Forbes, the band, Sofia VonTrapp, and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana popped back in for a sing-along. It felt like a house party. I can't wait for the Good Riddance 2020 concert, New Year's Eve.

1 comment:

Janece said...

I love that you were able to enjoy a Pink Martini concert!! That makes me happy because I know how happy they make you.

And I'm with you... without our driveway visits, firepits and movie nights... well, I don't even like to think of it. As always, thank you for your generosity in hosting events that make us feel welcomed, loved and connected. It's irreplaceable goodness.