Monday, August 04, 2003

Max's number 5 birthday celebration, perhaps the social event of the entire Summer, and *everyone* was there!

Other guests included good friends like Adam and Jacob, Anne and Dave, cousins Nicholas, James and Jared, and Holly, Rich, Cristina and Spencer. We got together yesterday afternoon to run through Max's list of activities like; swimming, pinata busting, pizza eating, opening presents, and eating cake.

This was a high energy event with happy children making happy noises. Pikachu, a revered but ultimately defeated guest, was fortunate to last through eight children swinging a bat. Nicholas chose to observe the pinata event, but the rest of the children all contributed mightily to Pikachu's undoing. James made a good dent, so did Adam, Jacob busted him open and William swung the fatal blow. Mini Oreos and Gold Fish cracker bags flew everywhere.

The pace was set by Max's whims, so opening presents was next on his list. As a parent, one can only hope that gracious phrases will pass from our dear children's lips. (I would like to take a moment here to offer James my sincerest apology for Max's art critique; he is no less critical of his own work, and may I say? Max could hardly be objective; I found it to be a very good likeness.) Max received many "cool" presents (okay, can I just add that Max told me, quite emphatically, that I "do not know how to be cool." He's so wrong.) After reading his books and sorting his Pokemon cards, he can Slip and Slide across Sponge Bob and in to the pool, and with his light up underwater goggles he will be able to operate his remote control shark, while wearing new swim trunks, after which he can assemble his BIONICLE, while enjoying his motorcycles fleeing the "Imaginext Attack Wagon."

I'll add my "thank you" to Max's; thank you to everyone for coming and playing, for generous gifts, and generous thoughts. We had a great time, and Max did too; he fell asleep blissfully recounting the fun, and how happy he felt that all his friends came.

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