This is what I finished last night, when Maria was up until midnight. She took a long, late nap, that we should have woke her from, so it's not surprising that she could not fall asleep at her usual bedtime. My little pin cushion is rather cute for an experiment. I didn't like the traditional, but cheaply made tomato pin cushions at the fabric store, so I adapted my yo-yo's into my very own green tomato double cushion with button top. Now I have a place to stick pins, which is handy, because I have been sewing quite a bit.
Maria didn't sleep very late, considering her late night. Maybe we can get her back on her schedule today. She woke-up and found me arranging my latest pennant decorations. And wasn't she clever to recognize the Lotería theme I appliqued on some of the triangles? She found our game cards and started decorating the plain triangles: ¡EL ALACRÁN, LA LUNA, EL GATO, LA PERA! Actually there is no "El Gato" in Lotería... it's one we made and added to our own game.
"Con los cantos de la sirena no te vayas a marear."
My favorites are El Gallo, El Sol, La Luna, y " Rema, rema va Lupita, sentada en su chapulita."
Some day we'll have a party with music and sangrias, and we'll play Lotería. I'll bring out my best flatware for eating the enchiladas. A while back I realized we were down to having no more than 4 forks and almost no more little spoons, the kind we usually fed Maria with. Where were they going? Landfill. Maria is a very good little girl, who regularly excuses herself from the table, then takes her plate and cup to the sink and her flatware to the trash can. Oops! I caught her a few times and thought we broke the habit. She must have seen us throw out some plastic picnic forks.
I couldn't bring myself to buy a whole new set of flatware and risk losing any more to El Trash-can, so I've been keeping my eyes open in the thrift shops. Each of these lovely forks, knives and spoons cost one quarter. I may be somewhat addicted to finding new patterns to add to the collection, which don't seem to be disappearing any more. I think Maria likes them too. She likes to count them. There are plenty of other treasures I have been bringing home, like the rooster table cloth. It cost me $3 and it's in perfect condition.
This bowl was a bargain too. I eat my granola from it, and yesterday it was full of diced green onions for the enchiladas I made. I made 3 trays. We froze one, shared one and ate one. ¡Sabroso!
Why can't we all just get along? This morning I found my latest amusement... it is a sweet and optimistic blog called "Let's Be Friends." 100% kid safe and sure to amuse and delight.
Very affordable flatware in different designs from thrift shops sounds great. :)
It is great. It's fun to know I can add to my collection, without going broke or trying to match, so the possibility of play is always close at hand!
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