Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fresh and Springy

It's hard to type and cry at the same time.
Would you look at what my sister-in-law created for the CB header?

Holly. Holly, you talented, generous sweetheart. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I was about to post the old header for a comparison, and now I realize I may have dorked big time. Big time, compared with my usual dork factors. I think I made the old header *poof* in to the cybervortex of all gone. Crud.

Last year I was enjoying some moments of embroidery inspiration, and I think it is so funny that I actually wrote about the little stitched hen, "It needs somewhere to go... " and now it definitely has a home. I think the actual hen-in-a-heart sampler is still packed somewhere. Using her sweet skills and magic, Holly took elements from my flossed design and turned it in to a new header for Chickenblog... but she did not stop there...

She also took a baby Betty photograph and made me a third header. Now I can go with seasons and moods. I feel so sophisticated, like I have a big girl blog. In color. With features and lights.

I hope I can recover the Luna Hen Header, and there was even a header before that... did I lose that one too? It was purple and had flowers. I loved it. Double crud.

Has it really been two years, since little Lady Betty Orpington came home with us? The proof is in the post, I guess. Betty is almost two years old. And Chciekneblog is almost eight years old, and I still mistype c-h-i-c-k-e-n every time.

Ooh. I am so buzzy with inspiration. There are about five flavors of parties I would like to have, and I can easily imagine having a blogiversary give-away. I want to embroider some more, and finish quilts. I have these ideas about science gatherings, potlucks, movie nights, building garden beds, making a real hen house, and road trips along the coast.

And of course chicks. I got chicks on the brain! I realize this probably should wait, but I cannot deny it: I have chicky fever! It's no good pretending Betty needs company, because she would most likely abuse any cute-fluffy intruders. It's no good pretending to be naive and innocent, bringing chicks home in a lunch sack, like I did the first time. I know better. And Geoff would smell that lie a mile away. Ugh: Feh for *responsibility.*


One thing at a time, I suppose. If I get more corners of the Bird House de-cluttered, I think Geoff will feel inclined to indulge me on some of my whims and flights of fancy.

Is it spring? I feel so light.


Marcia said...

So cute! I love it!!!

mtnchild said...

Love your new header! Both of them.

Tilly said...

I'd love to have seasonal headers. It took so long to get my simple header to show up ok that I daren't do anything with now so I leave it alone! Love your embroidery.