Friday, March 23, 2012

{this moment}

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
:: Inspired by Soule Mama ::

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.


Kim said...

Love your game show hosts in training! "And behind Door #1..."

Dark Blue Dragon said...

What was behind door number 1? I can hear the game show music playing in the background. Looks like a good bunch you have there.

Here is mine this week, my littlest enjoying the summer like weather here...

Melissa said...

I see several with a future career on Price is Right :) Which door did you pick?

Our moment:

Sofia's Ideas said...

That is my kind of moment! We have a Habitat for Humanity restore relatively nearby and they have the coolest things! *sigh*

Our is a tender moment of "discovery" between father & child...

Laura Emily said...

love. I like their individual approaches to showcasing. :)

Anonymous said...

Did you purchase door number one? Or two or three? My moment would be the clouds yesterday they reminded me to stop and look and that I'm rather small in this huge world.

Alison said...

Your kids are so fun!

Tracy said...

taaa-daaa!! haha... such FUN! But I do wonder the story behind this photo. I thought I heard the chime of game show music too--LOL! Goodness, how grown up your kids are looking these days, Natalie. Tell them to slow down. ;o) HAPPY SPRING DAYS to you all ((HUGS))

angie said...

great door! My kind of moment for sure:) Have a great weekend.

Baby By The Sea said...

So much potential in that door. I love shopping for home stuff. Looks like they approve.

Baby By The Sea said...
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Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Removed... only cause it was a duplicate.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

So funny, seeing this image from the new perspective: game show hosts! We kind of were playing "The Price is Right..." shopping the second-hand store for our barn doors.

They needed to be shorter and more narrow than typical doors, and letting in light for the chicken roost and nest boxes would be a bonus.

In the end we found a pair of doors from a historic home at the University Of California San Diego. Lucky us; they're upgrading, so we found something cheap, interesting, small, and barn-worthy.

The shop was a whole lot of fun, full of inspiring stuff.

HannahW said...

Oh my how funny!!The serious faces crack me up!!

Here is our Moment-- Bunny in the Bear Cave (tehehe)