A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
:: Inspired by
Soule Mama ::
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Love your game show hosts in training! "And behind Door #1..."
What was behind door number 1? I can hear the game show music playing in the background. Looks like a good bunch you have there.
Here is mine this week, my littlest enjoying the summer like weather here...
I see several with a future career on Price is Right :) Which door did you pick?
Our moment:
That is my kind of moment! We have a Habitat for Humanity restore relatively nearby and they have the coolest things! *sigh*
Our is a tender moment of "discovery" between father & child... http://sofiasideas.com/2012/03/23/this-moment-59/
love. I like their individual approaches to showcasing. :)
Did you purchase door number one? Or two or three? My moment would be the clouds yesterday http://www.girlrural.com/2012/03/this-is-spring.html they reminded me to stop and look and that I'm rather small in this huge world.
Your kids are so fun!
taaa-daaa!! haha... such FUN! But I do wonder the story behind this photo. I thought I heard the chime of game show music too--LOL! Goodness, how grown up your kids are looking these days, Natalie. Tell them to slow down. ;o) HAPPY SPRING DAYS to you all ((HUGS))
great door! My kind of moment for sure:) Have a great weekend.
So much potential in that door. I love shopping for home stuff. Looks like they approve.
Removed... only cause it was a duplicate.
So funny, seeing this image from the new perspective: game show hosts! We kind of were playing "The Price is Right..." shopping the second-hand store for our barn doors.
They needed to be shorter and more narrow than typical doors, and letting in light for the chicken roost and nest boxes would be a bonus.
In the end we found a pair of doors from a historic home at the University Of California San Diego. Lucky us; they're upgrading, so we found something cheap, interesting, small, and barn-worthy.
The shop was a whole lot of fun, full of inspiring stuff.
Oh my how funny!!The serious faces crack me up!!
Here is our Moment-- Bunny in the Bear Cave (tehehe)
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