Thursday, August 08, 2013

Remembering August 2005

We celebrated Max turning turning seven years old, and we brought Delia aka Grandma Boo to her first Legoland visit. I remember my mom also spent time helping her cousin, Mary Alice, and we all enjoyed a visit to Hans and Gretchen's home.

One thing I can be certain of, it was a much, much hotter summer than we are having now. Oh-my-goodnees am I loving this cool summer! We were practically confined to the downstairs of our TreeHouse rental home... where kitchen and beds were all upstairs! Ay, that was a challenging home, with no insulation and those massive windows that faced east. Maria was on the crawl, and Tamsyn was returning from a long trip abroad. I'm sure the children were building forts, and exploring the canyon.

Here's a gem!
My Mom vs. Darth Vader.
All my money is on Delia.
Darth is toast.

1 comment:

ArtyZen said...

Wonderful memories and glorious photos - I love how Maria is looking at Grandma Boo's gorgeous purple hat!