Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Dreamy Little Cottage

The last cottage is built and set on its foundation. Not for goats. Not for chickens. This dreamy little play house is for Maria and all her guests. Alex and Max finished putting it together, then Maria and I joined them in the yard, searching for the right spot. We settled on the old goat yard, beside the barn, beneath the jacaranda tree. It required a lot of shifting, lifting, and innovating. We repurposed everything, then added some new pavers, too. Now there is a cottage and an outdoor patio... perfect seating for summer evenings, and afternoon teas.

For a spot destined to be named The Flower Gardens, we were careful not to disturb the watermelon. All of our excavating, leveling, and foundation choices were designed with the watermelon in mind. We found some garden fencing, and added the bells and a string of flags... do not tread on our melons, please. Maybe next year we can add a vegetable and flower bed in this spot.

This is the first official incarnation of Maria's dream of having her very own restaurant. She's been telling us her plans for more than four years, in great detail. She thinks about menus, she writes recipes, and designs her kitchen. She notices curtains, or chairs, and confides, "Those would be perfect for The Flower Gardens." She discusses business details, like whether to buy a property, or rent, and recently she's admitted that starting a business isn't always as easy as we dream, so she accepts that her restaurant may begin humbly, maybe a stand, or a food truck. The Flower Gardens is wishful and practical, a constant aspiration.

For two movie nights, Maria has opened her doors as a concessions stand... offering popcorn, juice, water, cookies, tomatoes! Izzy and Amira were over and the three of them were positively giddy with their business ambitions and enthusiasm. It really is a dreamy little space, inviting, and fun. It feels cozy and safe, nestled beside our barn. Maria enjoys every guest and visitor. She waters the flowers she planted, and she sweeps her floor and entry, every day. Her dearest guest? Benjamin Franklin Thundercat. Maria is delighted to note that he visits her patio every day and is very loving and affectionate, too.


Miriam said...

I can't wait to visit Maria's restaurant one day!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

The best table will be open for you and Kim.

Sylvia said...

I love Maria's passion for her dream. She WILL have her own restaurant one day, and I would love to go there!

nikkipolani said...

Oh, I love this first realization of Maria's dreams. A tomatoes concession stand is certainly one I'd get in line for!