Looks like a wonderful family moment!! Isn't so special when they're all home at the same time? Doesn't happen enough in our home anymore. : ( Have a great weekend!! Happy Halloween to you and your family!!
Homemade Bread Slow rise in a cool area gives the bread time to develop flavor. It rises overnight on a cast iron pan in the cool kitchen. Early in the morning, I bake it in a hot oven. Warm bread. Warm kitchen
Looks like a wonderful family moment!! Isn't so special when they're all home at the same time? Doesn't happen enough in our home anymore. : ( Have a great weekend!! Happy Halloween to you and your family!!
~ Wendy
Looks lovely, all those people, smiles, activity!
Sounds like quite a lot of fun for one night!
I bet the sugar skulls are fun to make!
Homemade Bread Slow rise in a cool area gives the bread time to develop flavor. It rises overnight on a cast iron pan in the cool kitchen. Early in the morning, I bake it in a hot oven. Warm bread. Warm kitchen
Great photo! I love the scrabble tiles on the wall, very nice. Have a great weekend!
Very nice photo and memory. Thanks for sharing!
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