Early arrivers were seated at the
sweetest banquet in town, either that or they were put to work, because getting ready for this event called for
all hands on deck!

William has been envisioning, collecting and preparing this scene for at least a year.

There were lots of treats, and more and more as friends joined us with their generous contributions.

Decorating... all the credit goes to William, and Maria, and Alex, and Max. They took charge, and every bit of it was
spectacular spooktacular!

All these months of wishing and begging for rain, so what do you think we had in our forecast?? We were spared serious downpours until well after the festivities. Weather-wise, we couldn't have had it better!
Yes. Yes, I do visit Pinterest. Why do you ask? This sausage and spaghetti gag still has me tickled. I'm so glad we attempted this!

Jacob and Alex made satellites with the vegetarian sausages. These were so fun to make, and when you boil the pasta, you get a platter full of sausages impaled with noodles!
Envy and May Chang, battle it out, while William the swashbuckling looks on.

All those posts about britches, waistcoats, pistols and swords?
Yes, these are some of the creations William has been making.

Bambi and Maria are characters from
Full Metal Alchemist. Not friends in the manga, but they put all that aside for the party.

Max, Bambi, Maria, and William.
Before too many guests arrive, I have the sense to take pictures, and make people stand still and smile for me!

Full Metal crew: May Chang, Wrath, Envy, and Greed.
AKA Maria, Max, Bambi, and Alex.
John, Ruth, Maria, Max, Bambi, Alex, William, and Jacob.
Ruth's costume? Hands down the most original... she's the
Paint Chip Fairy, and she's come to
help us find the perfect shade of blue for our Bird House!

Here are Bella and Leo, all ready to join us.
I borrowed some pictures from my friend Carol, which were too good to pass up.
William, Max, and Alexi. Besides tirelessly making his costume and props, cleaning, decorating, and editing an animation collection to play on the hanging bed sheet, William cooked, too.

Here comes the night!

Here come more guests! Paul and William were pirate bros.

Here's George
Adin Washington!

Carol, these were a big hit! Not just adorable, but people were talking about how tasty they were, too. If you cannot tell, those little brooms are cheese on pretzels, tied with a chive.

And aren't these the
cutiest pumpkins ever? Carol
and Mim favored us with these treats!

George and Liz getting a shot of those brooms.
If they post their pictures, I may have to add even more to this post.

Have I mentioned how much I love potluck? Yes, I probably have... everyone brings such good stuff. We had a feast, for sure.

Okay... well, I was sort of relieved that Mrs. Lovett left
her pies at home.
Sharon, you look mahvelous, dahling!
Sun Wukong knows how to make an entrance. Grant is
The Monkey King.

Okay... I hope I can get this right... we have a Pokeman(?) Help me out here, Corey! Alex is Yu Gi Oh. (Right?) I recognize Stacy Ninja Turtle... her smile is a sure giveaway!
Goat! Oh my gosh, Suki, just melts my heart.

All the fun... every new guest brought more smiles and laughter. The house was full of smiles and laughter.

I spy Hermione Granger.

Maria and Suki, my girls.
Maria, you are tireless and sweet. For all your help, support, encouragement, and enthusiasm before, during, and after, I offer you my deepest, warmest thanks and love. You bless us.

Here's another one I had to steal from Carol's FB page.... here's my sweet friend with her baby boy, Leo.
Okay, he's not a baby, but she and I know how quickly it all goes, and we can't help hanging on for as long as possible!

Here's my
baby, making a salad for us.

And Corina, and Patricia came, and Michael, and Chris. It's nice seeing friends wherever you look.

It was a
small hassle keeping 45 sugar skulls safe, but totally worth the effort. Decorating them was a big hit.

Stacy is cutting the foil for eyes.

Suki was ready to try this
for weeks. Of course, she was a natural sugar skull artist. Everyone was... we have lots of proof.
Sarah, Alex-the quick change artist, and Jacob

Wait... is that
Amy Farrah Fowler? Okay, I admit, I had to Google that one, but I know this great couple as Mim and Chaz.

I spy Audrey II, Amy Farrah Fowler, a Centurion, Seymour, and Yu-Gi-Oh.
Okay, George... everyone keeps asking me, "Who was Stimson dressed as?" The consensus is you were
Stimson, and all agree
that is pretty awesome.

And James and Celine.
This picture makes me feel all warm and wamesy inside.

We shared a feeling about this party... we wanted it to include the thrill of the candy quest,
trick-or-treating, and we wanted it to be an unapologetic, all ages-sizes-entities welcome, candy and treats extravaganza. So we took candy and treat donations, set up Mim at the cottage, Paul in the barn, and Grant down in the shed, then distributed bags to anyone eager to trick-or-teat!

What a triumph! Huge shout out to the distributors who took charge of their stations, and gave all the revelers thrills, chills, challenges, and fun.

There were plenty of treats and laughs to go around. Some screams, too!

Good stuff.

I want to do this every. year. forever. Grant, you had standing ovations, and rave reviews.

Looks like Lucas passed his test.

Still Maria. I see she sort of morphed throughout the night. And, yes, we do get the best weather for Halloween.

The collection of animated shorts William put together played on the side of the shed. It was a happy attraction that played all night.

We know the sweetest people.
Grant, James, Suki, Sarah, John, Alex, Bambi, Celine, Jacob, and William. These people. Oh. My. It's the greatest feeling to know such good people, and to share their company.

We are lucky. We have great friends. We have room to share, to spread out, to play.

William's cemetery, always a highlight.
Lucas, Alexi, and Max... magic is gathering.

Decorating the sugar skulls was so fun, we had two rounds.

It was inspiring, contagious fun.

Carol got this great shot of Marla, aka Audrey II.

We were up 'til midnight! It was grand!
Amira-Hermione trying on the Audrey hat. Sharon, you have to come over when we are in sewing moods, again... you make great stuff!

Gathering in the living room, a Magic viewing.

They even managed to squeeze in a game.
Janece, Mim, Natalie, and Carol. {If I have one regret it's
not taking even more pictures of everyone! Otherwise, Halloween was
A. This house is suiting your family so brilliantly, surpassing all your hopes and dreams. (only our houses were self-cleaning dammit)
B. Your William has such talent.
C. Magic the Gathering - my son is a powerful wizard, he played in the Portland Pro-Tour this year. He has been playing since age 11, and is nearly 29 now. He is part of the Australian consortium that manages MTG in Oz, and writes for Sneak and Show (Patty Robertson) He also webcasts and teaches online. Your boys may know of him.
D. One day I hope we meet. <3
They're playing a big game, now! I love the mix... Even Maria is holding her deck!
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