Wednesday, July 08, 2015

City Art Explore

Max, Maria, and I tagged along when Alex went downtown to explore a gallery, and art studios.
The timing, and activity, fit perfectly with my summer mission: Go, Do, Enjoy!

First stop: the gallery showcasing the art of Chris Warr.

{Did you follow the link? Did you notice it was possibly the starkest website ever? Me, too. I was trying to think what to say about his work, whether to share my impressions, describe his materials, the light, the use of space, but I think I will defer to the artist's tone, and let the images speak for themselves. Art.}

We followed this with a visit to Space 4 Art, where we found a rambling, captivating, and inspiring center for art... for living, creating, reflecting, sharing, and performing. We were instantly drawn, magnetically attracted. Here are some pictures I snapped while we were there... just a small glimpse of a place that is obviously rich in opportunity, and possibilities. We were invited to see the working studios of both Chris Warr, and May-Ling Martinez.

{For the record, I am perfectly amenable to occupying an urban-loft-warehouse, with rooftop chickens, and alley goats. This place somewhat reminds me of our own Bird House Space 4 Make.}

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