A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
:: Inspired by
Soule Mama ::
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Ohhhhhh yah...of course your kids ride The Cool Bus. Love it!
Haha, awesome! Thanks for sharing! Here's ours: http://littlehomesteadinthedesert.blogspot.com/2012/03/this-moment_08.html
So THAT'S what it looks like..I've always wondered. Have a great weekend!
That's awesome! Here is our moment:
This is so wonderful.
save me a seat on the cool bus!! ours: http://journeyaroundtheson.blogspot.com/2012/03/this-moment_09.html
Di I want to know what this was all about? I am unsure if I am ready for all the shenanigans in my future! lol! But I think this only happens on the cool bus, not the school bus, right? ;0
The kids were labeling the sprouts this week. I guess our lil' lovie didn't think much of the lettuce he was in charge of...
I really hope you will take a "moment" to come by! :)
Your blog looks like fun! I will poke around a bit :)
Here's my moment
my gramma and my son this week after we were away from home for 8 long months)
Gah - I so want to be with the cool kids on the cool bus!! :)
New friends, and dear friends!
Whoa... looks like the cool bus brought in all the cool peoples!
Thank you, everyone.
We saw this Cool Bus waiting to take home a robotics club from FIRST Regional Competition in San Diego. We had to capture the moment! And we were feeling pumped up after earning an award for Team Spirit, and also playing in the semi-finals. We love robotics! We love learning!
I am excited to discover new bloggers, and I hope you will be back, for more Chickenblog!
did they plan to match the bus?
love the moment!
wishing you a joyful weekend!
xo, laura emily
That is just too great...or I should say very "cool".
Yellow on top, red on the bottom... those are our team colors from high school robotics: FIRST 2102 Team Paradox! Guess, we're just naturally cool. *Grin*
Speaking of "cool," it sure is fun meeting all you cool, new friends! Thank you, for all the comments, everyone!
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